Talwyn Mills points me to this entry she created in JIRA, the Lindens' bug tracking software, and if you're an SL landowner who wants to remain in the Mature zone after the Adult continent is created, you may want to give it a look: "Third Party prims can be used to poison a plots search page and make non-Adult plots hidden to non-verified avatars". Her concern is that griefers or other antagonists may be able to rez hardcore sex and violence content on a target's property, and in doing so, get it incorrectly defined as "Adult". Of course, landowners can forbid others from instantiating objects on their property, but Ms. Mills thinks this isn't a universal solution to that exploit: "There are plenty of reasons not to lock down rez," she tells me, "my store for example allows customers to use their weapons in the firing range." (I picture a miscreant armed with a phallus-spewing machine gun.) "And even with no-rez and no-object-entry," she continues, "you can still get prims onto a plot from a neighbor." Sounds like a legit concern -- go here to check it out and get involved.
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OK, the proposed Adult-zoning changes surely now win the award for having the biggest amount of crap being written about them. Never, in the history of all SL changes, have I heard so much negative drivel - almost all of it from people who know next-to-nothing about the actual changes.
Posted by: Creatin | Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 12:06 PM
Seems like a legit concern to me. Many stores have rez enabled for various reasons, unpacking zones for example.
If someone drops some itsy-bitsy tiny invisible prims with "Show in Search" checked and dirty words in object description for example, your place could get deemed Adult in the next search cache.
And since the PG, Mature, Adult classification is on a Sim level, even if it happens in a parcel near yours your parcel could be affected and be removed from the non-adult search results.
Posted by: Alicia Stella | Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 01:06 PM
Wouldn't this affect parcels with adult objects used in accordance with Linden Lab's "behind closed doors" policy? If someone has both a store and a private skybox, would their parcel be tagged "adult" even though their "adult" use isn't public?
Posted by: csven | Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 01:34 PM
csven: Only if they checked the "Show In Search" option for those items.
Posted by: Talwyn Mills | Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 01:55 PM
Your search visibility is based on your region setting period. I tested this till I was blue in the face.
Whatever. I'm getting tired of the hysteria on this topic. People need to test properly. If they did they would see how it works and leverage accordingly.
I.e.; if you are in a mature region and you have your parcel set to PG it matters not. Your parcel is mature whether you like it or not. In fact Linden Lab needs to remove parcel maturity rating from the application interface to remove confusion. Parcel rating is determined by the region rating. End of story. I would say more about search but it would reveal competitive advantage.
Posted by: Ann Otoole | Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 07:30 PM