An item, a place, an event, a game, a performance, anything Second Life-related: what's the Second Life content that's thrilled and impressed you most lately? Or as ArminasX Saiman calls it, the in-world wonder that causes a "Reset" click, reviving your excitement for being in-world?
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Grace McDunnough's Musimmersion, bar none. It's a great mix of SL content and RL performance. Next show is 7/2
Posted by: SeanMcPherson Senior | Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 02:03 PM
We discovered some full-prim clothes that are scripted to move in some very realistic flirty ways (but nsfw type of ways) and with corresponding avatar animations. Very New-Orleans-Mardi-Gras sort of animations.
At the moment there are only some cheerleader outfits with this level of "realistic" movements/interactions, but they are quite impressive in the way they work.
The shop name is GIMA
Posted by: Faerie | Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 06:33 PM
If cheerleader stuff is cool, yeah - I gots me some content for you.
Seriously, I too liked that X piece from 1971 I think it was, but I have to say AM Radio has been putting out some breathtaking content.
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 10:01 PM
I was impressived with "Music StarMine" at SL6B.
This is a virtual fire work show with music.
I recommend to see it with mouse look.
Posted by: Sanny | Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 10:02 PM
Adric - it's not impressive because it's cheerleader stuff - it's impressive because of the way it integrates avatar animations and moving prims to create something very lifelike. Something impressive that I have never seen before.
Posted by: Faerie | Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 07:52 AM
are you kidding me? in which way is that "content" impressive? i just checked and it's a store full of porn outfits and the anims you mentioned.. well the exposing breasts / ass animations didn't really impress me, sorry.
Posted by: skills | Friday, July 03, 2009 at 07:21 AM