I mentioned this briefly in last week's events calendar, but in these recessionary times, it bears repeating: starting today at 6am SLT to Midnight, online retail giant Amazon.com is holding a real world jobs fair in Second Life, on the company's island. This isn't an "aren't we cool and edgy" marketing gimmick, but a legitimate job search, reflective of the company's continued and sustained presence in SL. Last year, for example, I noted an Italian system administrator who landed an Amazon gig this very way. More details on the Amazon blog here. [Direct SLurl to Amazon's job fair at this link]
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This is very encouraging news! Amazon.com is definitely a high-profile company, and it's so good to see that they're still around in SL doing amazing things — where exactly it makes sense. Someone who is unemployed doesn't wants to incur in a lot of expenses — like travelling! — to get a new job. Holding job fairs in SL does a *lot* of sense!
Posted by: Gwyneth Llewelyn | Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 03:14 AM