We started today talking about the things we like and dislike about Second Life's live music scene -- a Comment thread well worth reading -- so may as well finish Wednesday with two more on the ledger's plus side: I like that there's a site called IndieSpectrum run by an avatar named Fox Reinsch that streams music from SL-based performers on the web, or on virtual radios available for free in-world [direct SLurl teleport at this link]. And that there's a site called Rez Magazine that interviews Mr. Reinsch about it. "Over 130 artists and over 1000 original songs," Fox tells Rez's Voodoo Buwan. "Everything from classical flute to hip hop." Note that IndieSpectrum is run on listener donations, so if you like what you hear on the stream, or at least the spirit behind, consider sending some Lindens Fox Reinsch's way.
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Excellent -I tried the music links at work -network errors and the Win media player link won't play as the files are not standard and require a download -work won't allow that so its a major bummer.
Still I'll try at home and in SL
Posted by: Archie Lukas | Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 03:04 AM