What strange and sad beauty does Ms. Oh have for us beyond this entrance?
I'm a poor substitute for NWN Events doyenne Chestnut Rau, who's on vacation, but I am pretty sure these are five potentially great Second Life events coming up in the next few days:
Friday, July 10, 6pm SLT: Bryn Oh presents "The Rabbicorn"
Widely admired metaverse artist Bryn Oh unveils her latest immersive installation, which curator Tezcatlipoca Bisiani describes as "a world of poetic narrative, subtle ambient sound and beautiful visual artistry, part Gorey, part Poe, part Velveteen Rabbit, but with an original take that is uniquely contemporary, and uniquely Bryn." Sponsored and hosted by IBM on their exhibition space. More here on the blog of Bisiani (IRL IBM research designer Andrew Sempere.)
[Direct SLurl teleport to event at this link]
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Saturday, July 11th, Noon-Midnight SLT: Rouge's 1st Anniversary
Rouge is an island in the shape of a beautiful woman, and it offers elegant decadence galore; celebrate its first anniversary with owner Ms. CodeBastard Redgrave with designer's gifts, live DJs, and surely much more.
[Direct SLurl teleport to event at this link]
Sunday through Tuesday listings after the break...
Sunday, July 12th, 12PM SLT: Filthy Fluno’s exhibit at the Artis Gallery
Recently acclaimed by the New York Times, meet the avatar artist with the giant afro who paints Second Life scenes like Kadinsky.
[Direct SLurl teleport to event at this link]
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Sunday, July 12, 6 pm SLT: Copper Robot presents Salon's Scott Rosenberg on the history of blogging
In 2007 he wrote about a Mitch Kapor project in Dreaming in Code, and this year, the co-founder of Salon is writing about the history of blogging, in Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It's Becoming, and Why It Matters. I started recently reading his latest book, and I'm loving it so far. As it happens, Scott was a big help in starting me out as a writer, editing early stories I wrote for Salon, like this review of Thief: The Dark Project, and this interview with Michelle Yeoh. He'll be the guest on this weekend's live recording of Mitch Wagner's Copper Robot show. More details here.
[Direct SLurl teleport to event at this link]
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Tuesday, July 14, 6 AM to Midnight SLT: Amazon Web Services Job Fair
The web retail/cloud computing giant is conducting in-world interviews to place a number of jobs. Much more info on the company's blog.
Rabbicorn is AMAZING!
When it opens, don't just run... FLY there!
Posted by: Crap Mariner | Thursday, July 09, 2009 at 04:43 PM
More about Bryn's wonderful Rabbicorn story on her blog too.
Posted by: Juko Tempel | Friday, July 10, 2009 at 02:17 AM
Hamlet, that's especially neat about your Scott Rosenberg connection because your writing had a lot to do with drawing me in to Second Life in the first place. I've never been much of a gamer but your writing about game culture sounded utterly fascinating, and then Second Life came along and it was like game culture without the gaming bits.
Posted by: Mitch Wagner | Friday, July 10, 2009 at 08:32 AM
Wow, that's great. Then make sure to thank Scott too, because he definitely helped make me a better writer and gave me my first big chance to some fairly ambitious writing in a high-profile venue (Salon).
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 11:25 AM