United Therapeutics is a NASDAQ-listed company that holds monthly enterprise meetings in Second Life, and Ashka Parx here runs their presence. She's even trained the CEO and VPs on how to use SL for business meetings. Update, 8/17: More interesting info: The SL-based conferences are for the companies' far-flung employees, and they're so successful, Ashka told me, that the CEO may make them a mandatory aspect of the job. She would like to expand the company's presence to include a dance club and other fun in-world hangout spots to help foster the "virtual watercooler" phenomenon. I've express skepticism that Second Life was ready to work as an enterprise platform outside the early adopters already into SL, and Ms. Parx came right up to me at SLCC and without prompting, offered a case study which makes me rethink my perspective.
Update 2, 9/2: Amended post to correct Ashka Parx's name, originally identified as Kimo Muggins, which is actually her non-work "after hours" avatar.