Alicia Chenaux recently ran her Second Life blog through Google Analytics, and duly notes the wacky keywords people were searching for, when they found her site: Among them, "39 weeks cant sleep", "", and my favorite (it's a twofer) "lotus cock""what happened". I'm constantly astounded by the range and strangeness of topics people are Googling for which often have absolutely nothing to do with Second Life or the metaverse, but winds them up here nonetheless. It's a great example of how thoroughly Second Life's ecosystem of user-generated content infects the real world and a fun party trick. Only a few minutes ago, for instance, someone arrived at New World Notes after looking for "bdsm shock taser fake", and while I'm pretty sure they weren't interested in reading this story, I don't actually want to know what they had in mind. Try it yourself, fellow SL blogger, and report the results.
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"Monkeys watching us have sex" was a search term that someone used to get to my blog a while ago.
Posted by: Tymmerie Thorne | Friday, September 04, 2009 at 01:29 PM
How about "the black angel of the lord is here"? I have NO idea how they came up with that!
Posted by: Harper Ganesvoort | Friday, September 04, 2009 at 01:54 PM
I very rarely get anything interesting! Usually people find my personal blog by googling my name, New World Notes/Chestnut's Choices, the names of SL musicians and lately "Emerald viewer."
I think I need to dream up unusual wording to slip into my posts to see what kind of searches I can draw.
Posted by: Chestnut Rau | Friday, September 04, 2009 at 02:05 PM
I'm always distressed that rather high on the list of keywords in my Google analytics are various combinations of child, bdsm, and gor, because of a post I wrote criticizing the handling of SL5B.
Posted by: Otenth Paderborn | Friday, September 04, 2009 at 03:34 PM
More than half of the searches that find my blog have the words "sex" and "chatbot" in them. Might have to do with #2 Google ranking for the word pair.
Posted by: Botgirl Questi | Friday, September 04, 2009 at 03:37 PM
I am FREAKING CURSED that someone named a viewer after my AV.
"Emerald viewer" aside, a lot of people chasing "Russian booty" and "boobs like an accordion" get sidetracked over to my blog. "Catfighting faeries," though, remains my all-time favorite. I'm inspired to write a post about them now.
Posted by: Emerald Wynn | Friday, September 04, 2009 at 05:08 PM
Those were so funny I thought I'd check out my list of keywords, too. However, there were too many to post here so I wrote up an entire post of them, right here.
Posted by: ArminasX | Friday, September 04, 2009 at 07:27 PM
I didn't use Analytics for this one, but instead, Googled the term "google apps blackberry sync" yesterday. I was pretty amazed that an article I wrote on my predominantly VW-related blog came up #2. Granted, it was for an article I wrote about Google Apps (I go off-topic sometimes), but was still impressed with the ranking!
Posted by: FlipperPA Peregrine | Saturday, September 05, 2009 at 04:18 AM
Try this sometime. I get picked up by an aggregator called alphainventions sometimes, for some random reason I have yet to fathom. They picked up one of my posts and I noticed it, and wrote a story about how my traffic had spiked to 128 the previous day, and was already up to 90 at 8:00 or 9:00 that morning. I included a link to the aggregator. At 10:30, the traffic had skyrocketed to over 600. It closed the day at 875, with over 80% of the traffic going to that specific article. It's still the single-day high post on Around the Grid, but I leave it out of any stats I come up with, since it's essentially an aberration.
The all-time most popular legitimate article I've written was from my early days. But most of the traffic that comes from that is looking for a picture of the guest character Droxine, from a 3rd-season episode of TOS Star Trek; so I could really still claim that the search is turning up oddball connections. Except that I mentioned Droxine, Diana Ewing, William Ware Theiss and that gown in the article, so some legitimacy is there (sigh).
Posted by: Harper Ganesvoort | Saturday, September 05, 2009 at 07:46 AM
Well, Mistophur Au, "virtual hillbilly" fetches me faster'n a circuit-ridin' preacher wolfs down a plate of fried chikkin.
So does "hottest hunk of burnin' love in the fake or real worlds," but that ain't weird at all.
Posted by: Pappy Enoch | Saturday, September 05, 2009 at 09:02 AM
I've been following these since the early days of my blogging (pre-SL, not that I can remember such a time now). My faves on my SL blog are:
xx burro sex
phallic steampunk
naked cock
my secret place by magellan
"federico perenti" - I have no memory of ever typing these words so how someone came to my blog with them is anyone's guess!
"Where's mt mate" - Well if you don't know, how the hell do you expect Google to know!?
Thanks to NWN:
SL Giant Cock - After a post of mine was covered on NWN about a phallic shaped land mass in-world, I get lots of searches for that :-D
Posted by: HeadBurro Antfarm | Monday, September 07, 2009 at 01:35 AM