Chestnut Rau’s weekly round-up of upcoming SL events…
Lumiere Noir, legendary builder and founder of the Ivory Tower of Primitives, was commissioned by the Metaverse Broadcasting Company to create a full sim for their facilities. Metaverse Island is opening this weekend and you are invited to tour the unbelievable build shown above on Saturday 10/3 at 3PM. Come explore this expansive and interesting build which is unlike anything I have ever seen in RL or in SL for that matter. I am especially fond of the giant pineapple and the various windlight settings change the look of the build dramatically.
At 4pm you will be treated to a tour by Lumiere Noir which presents the opportunity to learn how he approached the creation of this stunning sim. Later there will be a grand fancy dress ball with a space age theme and music provided by Edward Kyomoon and SpaceJunky. In Metaverse Island. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Also after the break: Learn about the H1N1 pandemic, Living Fashion Tableau by House of RFyre, Learn to Make Machinima and much, much more
(All event times in SLT, "Second Life Time"-- i.e., Pacific Standard)
Thursday 10/1
5PM - Blindboink Parham - Plays and Talks about the History of the Blues
Mick Martin, Blindboink Parham is SL, is an acoustic guitar solo artist. He plays "Early Blues and Traditional American Folk" music on an acoustic guitar. Blindblink is an impeccable guitarist who also includes a lot of History of the Blues in his set so not only will you enjoy the music but you might just learn a thing or two. He has shared the stage with Sonny Terry and Brownie Mc Gee, Bill Monroe, Bella Fleck, Keith Whitley, Barbra Mandrell, Vince Gill and many others in the music industry over the years. For a sneak peak go here. In Mango. [SLurl teleport at this link]
6PM - Virtually Speaking with Jimbo Hoyer Interviews H1N1 Flu Experts
Virtually Speaking with Jimbo Hoyer is a regular public affairs program featuring in-depth conversations with opinion leaders, conducted in front of a live SL audience. This week's guests are Dr. Greg Dworkin and technology entrepreneur Josh Knauer who will talk about the H1N1 flu, pandemic technology and the global response. Pediatrician Greg Dworkin blogs about health on DailyKos. He is a founding editor of Flu Wiki ( and its sister site, the Flu Wiki Forum ( The CEO of RhizaLabs, Josh Knaur's team created FluTracker, a web-based mapping product, giving researchers and the public multiple options for viewing official and unofficial data in a useful and understandable way. Virtually Speaking is simulcast on BlogTalkRadio so you can listen to the show even if you can't make it to the studio.In Virtually Speaking. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7PM - Innovative 13 Ghosts Hunt
Launching this week in tandem with Kyle Beltran's regular weekly performance, the 13 Ghosts Hunt runs through Halloween. The object is to find and capture 13 ghosts haunting 5 parcels in 3 regions. This ghostly game is an adventure puzzle that rewards participants who have a fast finger on the mouse with get a helper gadgets, such as an EMF meter or night vision that assist with finding additional ghosts. There is a database to track progress and keep you on track for one of the special Grand Prizes. Please note, some of the activity takes place on Zindra so you will want to be age verified to play this game. As we get closer to Halloween, the more frequently the spirits will appear and the longer they will stay around. This adventure looks like a lot of fun and you will see me ghost hunting when you go. in AV Puli Animations. [SLurl teleport at this link]
12AM - Launch of the University of Western Australia in Second Life
Everyone is welcome to attend the Official launch of the University of Western Australia in Second Life. This will be a mixed RL & SL event, with the RL talks and presentations streamed live into SL at the SL launch site. RL launch will be officiated by Professor Alan Robson, Vice Chancellor of the University of Western Australia, and the SL launch will be officiated by both Jayjay Zifanwe & Jayjay Zane. In University of WA. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Friday 10/2
12PM - Shane Kirshner Live at AquaStar
Shane Kirshner sang for the first time on an imaginary stage with a tennis racket for a guitar at the age of eight. She liked to pretend she was Susanna Hoffs of the 80's girl group, The Bangles. When she was eleven, she came across Sheryl Crow and wanted to be just like her, she decided that she would learn guitar and be on a real stage without a tennis racket in sight. Shane is self taught and prefers to learn the music she plays by ear. Her inspirations include; Patti Smith, Chrissie Hynde, Bruce Springsteen, Regina Spektor, J Mascis and more recently, Tegan & Sara. In Mephit. [SLurl teleport at this link]
1PM - Noma Falta at Oktoberfest in Neufreistadt
Noma Falta needs no introduction to her fans in Second Life, but if you've not heard her, you haven't heard one of the best and most energetic performers to take the stage. Blues, Rock, and lots of sass make a Noma show unforgettable. Oktoberfest in Neufreistadt is in part a celebration of the five continuous years of democracy in Second Life under the organization known as the Confederation of Democratic Sims. This 11 themed sim project includes bavarian/alpine, roman/greek sims and the amazing Al Andalus project. In Neufreistadt [SLurl teleport at this link]
6:30PM - Opening Night of the 2nd Annual Second Life Boobiethon!
October is breast cancer month. To help the fight against breast cancer, please join in the 2nd annual SL Boobiethon events taking place this week. Click the image to the left for more detail about the events scheduled. All funds collected in Second Life will be matched in part by
Serra and Eva and then donated to the Susan G. Koman Foundation via the
Blogger Boobie-Thon.
Make sure you go to the BoobieBall at noon today in the Winterfell Community Center, which promises to be a great time. Wear Pink to the ball if you like or come topless if you dare! Whatever you do, join in the fight against breast cancer and give generously. In Winterfell. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7PM - Tamra Sands/Hayden from Broadway to Second Life
Tamra Sands/ Hayden -has performed on Broadway in such blockbusters as Les Miserables and Cabaret and Off-Broadway in Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris. A versatile singer, Tamra performs Broadway Pops across the US with orchestras including The Nasheville Symphony, The Palm Beach Pops, and Charlotte Symphony. For more information go to her website. We are so lucky to have Tamra here in Second Life! Do join us for this performance that will warm your heart. In Royal Hills Estate [SLurl teleport at this link]
8PM - African Music - Learn about African Drums as part of Saminaka's African Festival
Master musician and anthropologist Oliha Yiwama asks "Are drums a family event?" Come listen to this talk that will include demonstrations of African drumming. The Saminaka Festival also includes exhibits about Nigerian plants, Nupe culture, horses in Africa, a special festival market, treasure hunt, and Saminaka's regular treats, like the Nigerian restaurant, African library, Timbuktu slide show, traditional architecture, and more. Make sure you stay for the African Music Video and Dj dance party. IN Saminaka. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Saturday 10/3
Noon - 3PM - House of RFyre Living Tableau Fashion Installation
Like nothing else you have seen in SL, this will
be a combination fashion show and role play--a living tableau. For
two hours, The House of RFyre invites you into the world of Aleksandr and his vampire
family: Eva, his powerful mother; Carmen, his estranged aunt; Stefan,
his right hand; Siobhan, Celeste, and Xavier, the glamorous
acquaintances; Dierdre, the spoiled princess; Luis and Catalina, their
pirate friends; Dex, the Victorian gentleman; Adeline, the
spiritualist; and Mirabel and Isabel, the haunting twins. Be
prepared to interact--the models hope you will join in! Of course you will be able to purchase the fashions at the show and, who knows? Aleksandr may have
a gift for you!. In Isle RFyre. [SLurl teleport at this link]
1PM - Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
Come celebrate the MidAutumn Moon Festival in Wulin, Penghu. This is a Chinese festival that is fill with legends and to celebrate people eat a very special Moon cake. There will be performances by Nightingale Court Chinese dance troop that will perform the Changer legend and a Premiere of the SL Martial arts movie, "Dragon Saber" starring fighters such as Kasumi, Shidji, Shadows & Emei members. There will be fireworks, of course. In Penghu. [SLurl teleport at this link]
3PM - Midnight A Pixelated Reality - Mixed Reality Art Show in Toronto and Second Life
Genevieve Silvercloud (Gen Montreuil in RL) created series of mixed media paintings blending the people of Second Life with their Real life personas. Each painting contains a stone casting of the RL face of the individual which is mounted into a painting of the Second Life avatar. The complete series is on display in Toronto, On Canada for the month of October. The opening reception will include an extensive and wonderful live music line up including performances by Aurora Metaluna, Maximillion Kleene, newcomer Mash Limondi, Mimi Carpenter, PM Bookmite, Strum Diesel Raspbury Rearwin, and Rara Destiny. Some performers will be in Toronto at the Gallery, others will perform for the RL crowd from SL. There will be video streamed into SL from the RL show as well. If you are interested in attending the Real Life show information can be found here or here. In Ahura. [SLurl teleport at this link]
3PM - Machinima 101 - Beginner's Class with Ziggy21 Slade, Machinima Mentor
Learn everything you need to know to start making movies in Second Life, setting up the viewer, recording software, some fun camera tricks, the basics of editing, and playing the finished production in Second Life. Metaverse Broadcasting uregently requires camera crew to record events, dramas and documentaries across the grid and this class is a great first step to a job. Class is in voice, feel free to ask questions in voice or text. In Metaverse Island. [SLurl teleport at this link]
3PM - Art & Issues, Kate Miranda and Jay Ackroyd in Conversation
As part of the opening events at Innovation InfoIsland come listen to Kate Miranda from Music Island Concerts and Jay Ackroyd from Virtually Speaking talk about Art and Issues. These two people work at the intersection between the Arts and public conversations about the social, economic, political and scientific issues that confront the modern world. They will discuss the particular challenges and opportunities that confront them as content providers, the trajectories of their two programs and their emerging collaboration. In Innovation Infoisland. [SLurl teleport at this link]
6:45 - midnight - The 93rd Freestar Bay Showcase and 25th Month Anniversary Celebration
Today is the 93rd FSB Showcase and the 25 Month Anniversary celebration of Freestar's regular live music gatherings You will see performances by the lovely Freestar herself, srv4u Conacher, Hathead Richenbacker, dakota7z7 Pluto, Andreus Gustafson, FrankLee Anatra, Rosedrop Rust, Joaquin Gustav, Pato Milo and Eponymous Drake. I love the comfortable feeling and friendly crowd at FSB and I think you will to. Go! In Freestar Bay Isle. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Sunday 10/4
11am - NCI Class: Water Effects
Learn to work with water in Second Life. This class is a smorgasbord of information in which you will learn building, texturing and scripting tips enabling you to create streams, fountains, pools and other watery builds. This class includes a freebie pack with everything you need to get started working with water effects. NCI Classes are free and welcome all. In Fishermans Cove. [SLurl teleport at this link]
2PM - GOHA Ice Hockey, North American Division - Ice Lords vs Cobras
Join the fun as these two teams take to the ice in the fastest paced action you've seen in world! This game will also be presented live in High Definition on TREET.TV. Established in 2006, The Global Online Hockey Association is the premier, professional hockey league you've heard about, the largest, longest running, most advanced team sport on the grid! Swing by before or after the game and practice your puck handling skills. Membership, equipment and game play is completely free! More information is available online or check out detailed statistics. In TreeSong. [SLurl teleport at this link]
4PM - Friendly Fire Live
Friendly Fire has been at the forefront of the South Florida local music scene since 2004, playing hundreds of shows from St. Petersburg to Miami. The bands internet presence has been just as active, with over thirty episodes of the FRIENDLY FIRE RADIO SHOW podcast, a jam packed website, and a MySpace page. Now reborn as Case Munro and MacKenzie Rasmuson, the band plays exclusively in the virtual world Second Life. See them this afternoon and hear what the buzz is all about. In van Eyck. [SLurl teleport at this link]
5PM -Learn About African Spritual Traditions, part of Saminaka African Festival
Oliha Yiwama, musician, anthropologist, and priest of traditional Nigerian religions, will talk about African spiritual traditions. Following his talk at 6 pm will be an appearance by masqueraders, acrobats and stiltwalkers, then at 6:30 slt, a closing dance party with a great DJ and African music. Wear you best African dress and enjoy fireworks on the beach. The Festival includes exhibits about Nigerian plants, Nupe culture, and the horse in Africa. There is a festival village, Treasure hunt, and Saminaka's regular features, like the Nigerian restaurant, African library, Timbuktu slideshow, traditional architecture, and shops. In Saminaka. [SLurl teleport at this link]
8PM - Mixed Reality Live Music by This Device
This Device has been performing in Second Life for two years and is
breaking new ground by taking their virtual show outside the bounds of
Second Life into the “real” world of nightclubs. Their sound is a
mixture of loud guitars, noisy synths, and edgy vocals. In SL the show is at The Rockin Man
Theater, a brand-new venue owned and named after Artel Brando, “The
Rockin Man.” Virtual
lighting technician wizard and builder Dexterito Dexing designed and
built the theater, including his trademark lighting effects. In San Francisco, the concert will be enjoyed by the hip local crowd at
the Brainwash, the city’s famous laundromat/eatery/music venue. Information about the club and its schedule can be found here. in Innu. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Monday 10/5
6PM - AA Meeting - Sober Life
Did you know there is an active recovery community in SL? You can attend this AA Meeting for fellowship and the best coffee in Second Life. Meetings are open to all, and are based on the 12 Traditions of AA. Contact Vangee Tigerpaw for information - meetings are Mondays at 6PM and Thursdays at 8PM In ETSU. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7PM - Intercambio Spanish/English Language Exchange
Intercambio is an event sponsored by Instituto Espanol to help English and Spanish speakers help each other learn the other's language. This is a one-hour timed event where each participant is paired with a speaker of the other language to discuss a predetermined topic. Therefore, it is critical that participants arrive on time and are committed to stay for the whole hour. Participants need to be voice-enabled with a functioning headset and attached microphone. The goal is to practice a foreign language and meet interesting people with whom you may enjoy a continuing bilingual exchange. In Instituto Espanol. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Tuesday 10/6
3:30PM - Thinkers: Lost to History?
There is a commercial advantage in deliberately creating proprietory information formats, and a security advantage in encrypting information. But does this mean future historians will not be able to access records of our times? Will we become largely lost to history, thanks to the rapid rise of modern media formats? Come and discuss with Extropia. All welcome. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7PM - Aoife Lorefield Reads "The Girl Detective" at West of Ireland
Aoife Lorefield will read Kelly Link's short story "The Girl Detective" from her collection stranger things happen. Somewhere between fantasy, magical realism, and the everyday world, Kelly Link writes stories that are wry, poignant, and very funny all at once. Come hear one of her best known tales read in voice. In West of Ireland. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Wednesday 10/7
7PM - Look At Me! -- An exhibit of avatar portraits by Callipygian Christensen
My friend Calli says "I am fascinated by how avatars look - the huge variety of ways
people present themselves here. At heart I think all avatars are
created with some element of " Look at me!" involved, since here in the
virtual world how one's avatar looks is a choice, not a blessing or a
curse of birth. While I do some posed portraits in various settings, most are
candid captures as avatars go about their SL day. I always hope it's a
pleasant surprise when I contact them to say I have a portrait of them
to deliver and to ask permission to use it in my galleries and
exhibits. So far, the response has always been very positive." This lovely exhibit opens this evening with an artists reception. In Tabula Rasa. [SLurl teleport at this link]
These events and more can also be found on Chestnut's Choices Public Google Calendar.
Event Submission Guidelines:
1. Events for the coming week must be received by Tuesday Noon SLT.
2. Include all the relevant info; day, time, and especially the SLURL to the event location.
3. Please send related graphics such as screen shots or photo of the event site, if available.
4. Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
5. Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are welcome,
as long they serve and entertain the Second Life community, and/or
Resident-made content (live music, builds, scripting, fashion, games, etc.) Events that merely promote the company or organization's Second Life presence
are not generally appropriate; you may instead consider advertising your event or service on New World Notes.
6. Mature-rated events are permissible, but listing descriptions should
be PG-13. Political and religious events are encouraged, though those
of an
extreme or non-inclusive variety are rarely included.
7. Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and
for events with "I've never seen that in SL before!" value.
If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event information via email to Chestnut Rau at [email protected]. Or contact her in-world via IM.