Beloved funny man and SL steampunk fan Drew Carey sends a fulsome Tweet on behalf of "Watch the World(s)", the classic Second Life machinima from 2007 by Robbie Dingo. (I wrote about it here, linked to an alternative video site.) As great as it is, I wonder if we can Tweet some newer machinima that's just about as beautiful in Mr. Carey's direction. From this year, I'd recommend Lyric Lundquist's "cradle and trap", ColeMarie Soleil's "Broken-Fixed", and Lainy Voom's "Fall". (Interesting how women near-dominate SL machinima.) Which others would you recommend?
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I would recommend he take a look at Lainy Voom's ">>"Push" and Krrish Spyker's .">>"Scripted".
Posted by: Gala Charron | Tuesday, October 06, 2009 at 04:27 AM
I am a huge fan of this one, the building of Suzanne Vega's guitar:
People I show it to are amazed by it.
Posted by: Neptune Rebel | Tuesday, October 06, 2009 at 08:14 AM
Since Mr Carey is already an SL and Steampunk fan he may already have seen these films Loki Eliot (LokiBoy@youtube) made of New Babbage vistas and events, but if not here are three of my favorites:
New Babbage - A Steampunk City In Second Life
New Babbage Steampunk Town - Burning Barrel Race 2008
A Steampunk Christmas In New Babbage
Posted by: Salazar Jack | Tuesday, October 06, 2009 at 02:25 PM