Chestnut Rau’s weekly round-up of upcoming SL event.....
New Babbage is a steampunk city-state located inside Second Life. The builds are extraordinary and the community consists of dedicated roleplayers who are friendly and welcoming to visitors. You can read all about New Babbage here and see beautiful machinima here.
If you are interested in all things nautical, make sure you visit New Babbage for the first ever gathering of Second Life's Steamland Navies now through November 21st. Tonight at 7pm there will be epic naval skirmish featuring the navies of the steamlands slugging it out on the open ocean. The Fleet Review is Friday at 1pm wherein the Navies present themselves in their finest regalia for review by the Public. Please be sure to pick up a notecard at the TP landing point for the rest of the Fleet Week activities including a Shipbuilders Contest, Submarine Races, Windjammer Race, Epic Ironclad Battles and a fancy dress Uniform Ball.While you are there make sure to explore the wonders of this Steampunk community and meet its interesting residents. In Port Babbage. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Also after the break: The Originals Day-long Live Music Festival, Drama Libre Hosts The USO, Live Comedy, Music of the 1920s and much much more
(All event times in SLT, "Second Life Time"-- i.e., Pacific Standard)
Thursday 11/19
4pm - Nazz Lane Reads from his Novel at Tranquil Cafe
Nazz Lane is a good friend, a blogger and fantastic writer. He has been working on and reading from his serial novel Borders of Our Lives for some time. Tonight you can listen to him read the latest chapter of this intriguing tale based on characters and the setting of Second Life. In Firmament Tranquil. [SLurl teleport at this link]
5pm - 8pm - University of Hawaii Open House
Have you ever considered being a teacher or wondered what teaching would be like in a 3D online world? If so you will want to attend the University of Hawaii's College of Education Open House which will include online Second Life tours of the College of Education building in Second Life as well as talks on teaching in Hawaii streamed through Second Life. In University of Hawaii. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7pm - Oxbridge Class: Intro to Scripting for Non-Programmers
Want to learn to script but have no programming knowledge at all? Don't let that stop you! This class provides is an introduction to skills you will need to be a successful SL scripter. It will covers Logic, Functions, Loops, and Conditionals. "Scripting for Non-Programmers" alternates weeks with "Introduction to LSL" (SL's scripting language), so be sure to stop back next week to learn more. This class will be held at the Caledon Oxbridge Lecture Hall, between the "Cathedral" and the "Hall of Avatar Motion". Please contact ZenMondo Wormser with questions about this class. In Caledon Oxbridge. [SLurl teleport at this link]
10pm - Cafe Wellstone Listens to Eno's Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy
Every Thursday Cafe Wellstone gets out music from years ago and see if it holds up to listening today. Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy was a 1974 concept album by Brian Eno was based on a Chinese opera by the same name. Eno worked with Phil Manzanera and Andy Mackay of Roxy Music, Brian Turrington and Freddie Smith of The Winkies, former Soft Machine vocalist Robert Wyatt, and the Portsmouth Sinfonia, and an orchestra in which Eno had once played clarinet. This recording is one of my all time favorites and it will be great to discuss it with the group. In Pini [SLurl teleport at this link]
Friday 11/20
1pm - 8pm - Tango and Jazz Festival at Memphis Blues
Drop in any time this afternoon and into the evening to experience live music at its best. The line up includes Monthy Parx, Engram, Joaquin Gustav, Winters Kanto, Cacho Nootan, Saint Skytower, and Edhausen Morport. In Ohana. [SLurl teleport at this link]
6PM - Primtionary!
Primtionary is a 3D version of charades. A builder is given a word which they represent by creating something with prims. Then everyone else guesses the word based on what the builder has made. The person who guesses correctly gets to go next and wins $25L. This event helps improve building skills and is a lot of fun. Even if you don't want to build the party atmosphere makes this event well worth your time In Asim Zahra. [SLurl teleport at this link]
9pm - Kaklick Martin Live at Luxor Stage
Friday is delightful at Luxor Stage, as it has long been the place where SL legend Kaklick Martin kicks off the weekend. You should expect great originals and selected covers that translate very well to Kaklick's style. This is a great, fun, and exciting way to begin your weekend. . In Laurel Arts Isle. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Saturday 11/21
All Weekend - Virtual Praxis Women's International Conference
The Department of Women's Studies at The Ohio State University is holding the annual Virtual Praxis Conference this weekend. There will be presentations by Virtual World leaders including Alanagh Recreant from Uthango Social Investments in Capetown, South Africa, Millay Freschi from Amnesty International and many others. In addition to the interesting and informative presentations there will be opportunities for socializing. A full event calender for Saturday and Sunday can be found here. In Minverva. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7am - Nuscore Perl Live Music at Blarney Stone
Each week Blarney Stone features well-known artists in live performance. This week enjoy the soulful voice of Nuscore Perl who plays a variety of instruments including keys, guitar and drums. Nuscore has been involved with music all his life and performed for President Obama in Ghana, West Africa. For more information about Nuscore please visit here. If you can't make it to the show you can listen remotely here In Dublin. [SLurl teleport at this link]
9:30am - The Wake Up Call Live Talk Show at The Big Easy
The Wake Up Call a time to sit around and chat with friends about relationships, love, last nights escapades, or just a good recipe. So grab a donut or bagel and a cup of joe and sit back and enjoy. Hosted by Kalli Birman & Dilana Llewellyn OR easygrow Dreadlow... This is an Open Mic Event. (This is a Mature Sim. There will be adult conversation) In Ciel. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Noon - 4pm - 2nd Anniversary of The Crown and Pearl
The Crown and Pearl is one of those places in SL where I know I can always go for a laugh, great music and conversation with some of Second Life's most interesting people. Today owner Prad Prathivi and the regulars at the C&P invite old friends and new friends to come celebrate the Club's second anniversary. The music will be provided by DJs Bailey Longcloth, Aribeth Coronet, Rrishanna Regina, and Bailey Dazy. You really ought to stop in for this party. It is a guaranteed good time. In Crown and Pearl [SLurl teleport at this link]
Noon -3pm Terra Starburst SportSkydiving Debut!
Join Cubey Terra and designer Dean Quihoxil for some freefalling mayhem as they celebrate the debut of what they assert is the latest and most advanced skydiving rig in SL the new Terra Starburst sport parachute. It's sleek, it's sculpted, and boasts a whole pile of kick-ass features. Join in for some competitive skydiving and freefalling, freeflying action. In Abbotts. [SLurl teleport at this link]
1pm - ChangHigh Trinity Sisters Fireshow
Come fabulous fire dancing with rotating trapezes, high-wire dance, rolling dance ball and elephant firedance, all decorated with the best effects in SL. After the show stick around for dancing with DJ Rose spinning your favorite tunes. Please note this event takes place at DreamVision Adult Playland. If you find adult activity distasteful, you are probably better off skipping this one. However, if you are the adventurous sort this performance promises to be a wild good time. In Royal Gardens. [SLurl teleport at this link]
2pm- 4pm - Music of the 1920s in the Berlin Project
Join us for dancing, social drinking and chatting at Jo Yardley's "Die Keller" the 1920's Berlin Project's night club. Glen Fairport will provide the music from German, British and American dance bands of the 1920's in this virtual replica of an historic setting. This is a period events so vintage clothes are required. Freebie outfits are available and there are vendors with great clothes and hair at reasonable prices. In Dudinstev. [SLurl teleport at this link]
3pm - Salamander Maroon Comedy at Cairo Theater
Come see Salamander Maroon perform stand up comedy at Cairo Theater. Her musings on life as we know it out there in the atomic world and in SL. can lead to serious bouts of belly laughter, so be warned, Sal will tell you all about life, the universe,and everything! The show is in voice chat. IN Laurel Arts Isle. [SLurl teleport at this link]
8pm - Drama Libre Hosting USO
Hey Sailor! I hear the USO's in town and hoisting a shindig aboard the Drama Libre that's sure to boost morale around here. Loose lips may sink ships, but rockin' music can sure shake hips! Dress to the theme and be eligible to win a prize as either Best Guy and Gal in the Costume Contest. No costume? No worries! Music provided by DJ Magdalena Kamenev and the friendly crowd claims to be drama-free. The party rocks from 8pm to 12mn. Drama Libre! Leading the revolution vs drama 3 years running! In Ravenswood. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Sunday 11/22
Day 2 - Virtual Praxis Women's International Conference
The Department of Women's Studies at The Ohio State University is holding the annual Virtual Praxis Conference this weekend.A full event calender for Saturday and Sunday can be found here. In Minverva. [SLurl teleport at this link]
10am - The Frolic Mills Show
Be part of the live studio audience for the Frolic Mills Show on Metaverse Island. Frolic interviews such luminaries as Raven Pennyfeather and discovers how they made their mark and what makes them tick. Together with a section from Fine Caliber and Thorne Dreadlow on shopping round the grid... it is a great show. In Metavers Island. [SLurl teleport at this link]
10am - 3pm - The Originals, All Day Live Music Showcase
The O R I G I N A L S series is the brainchild of POL Arida and The Shippe who are keen on wide promotion of original Live music in Second Life. The Originals showcases a selection of SL's finest live musicians performing all original sets at various venues across the grid. Performers include Pol Arida, Hazideon Zarco, EvaMoon Ember, Phoe Nix, Obeloinkment, Lance Rembrandt, Buckley Moonwall, and Nic Melody. This month not only is the show streamed live on Indiespectrum Radio., but the shocase will happen at IndieSpectrum Radio's inworld venue, to celebrate the station being on air broadcasting SL musicians original music for 2 years. In Xstream Hotspot. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Monday 11/23
Noon - Tarot for Beginners
Learn to unravel the meaning of the cards and to make them work for you. This class is an introduction to the tarot and its immanent structure. It is the first in 3 modules of "Tarot for Beginners" classes. You can take these three modules in any order you like though taking them from 1-3 is of course ideal. Classes will be held in voice and there will be a Power Point slide system to give attendees some visuals. In Airtol Hill. [SLurl teleport at this link]
4:30pm - SMC ProSport Roadster Race
SMC ProSport Roadsters will be taking to the oval at Silver MotorSports Complex this afternoon. Practice and registration begins at 4:30 and racing begins at 5:00. Grab your ProSport Roadster and head over to Silver Island to participate or come to enjoy exciting racing and friendly people. Ask our staff for an invite to NASCAR & More group for race notices, announcements and group access to events. Silver Island will be set to group access during the race. No Weapons Allowed. In Silver Island. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7pm - Stories from Kenneth Grahame's Dream Days
Caledonia concludes the exploration of short stories from the whimsical mind of 19th century author Kenneth Grahame, best known as the creator of the classic The Wind in the Willows. In tonight's two tales we explore the capacity of a child to totally transport themselves to a rich fantasy world entirely their own in "A Saga of the Seas", and we accompany a child through the insightful moment where childhood starts to wane and young adulthood rears its ugly head on "A Departure." Stories told in voice. In West of Ireland. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Tuesday 11/24
3:30 pm - Thinkers: Technocalypse!
The idea of an apocalypse, that all existence is going to be
transformed through the influence of a divine intervention, is deeply
rooted in human consciousness. What happens if and when sci/tech
becomes powerful enough to realize such beliefs? Come and discuss with Extropia. All welcome. In Support for Healing. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Wednesday 11/25
6PM - Matthew Perreault at the Luxor Stage
Soothe your hump day worries by heading over to Circe Broome's Luxor Stage for an hour of unique and original songwriting from Matthew Perreault. In Laurel Arts Isle. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Event Submission Guidelines:
1. Events for the coming week must be received by Tuesday Noon SLT.
2. Include all the relevant info; day, time, and especially the SLURL to the event location.
3. Please send related graphics such as screen shots or photo of the event site, if available.
4. Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
5. Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are welcome,
as long they serve and entertain the Second Life community, and/or
Resident-made content (live music, builds, scripting, fashion, games, etc.) Events that merely promote the company or organization's Second Life presence
are not generally appropriate; you may instead consider advertising your event or service on New World Notes.
6. Mature-rated events are permissible, but listing descriptions should
be PG-13. Political and religious events are encouraged, though those
of an
extreme or non-inclusive variety are rarely included.
7. Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and
for events with "I've never seen that in SL before!" value.
If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event information via email to Chestnut Rau at [email protected]. Or contact her in-world via IM.