Quaintly Tuquri, an SL Resident living in Malaysia, looked at the most recent Second Life economic statistics, and noted something interesting: Her compatriots are responsible for 4% of in-world user-to-user transactions. That would not seem like much, but then, Malaysia only has a population of 28 million. By comparison, Japanese Residents also account for 4% of in-world spending -- but Japan has a population of 128 million. (This may have something to do with the fact that SL users in Malaysia can buy their Linden Dollars with a pre-paid debit card sold at retail -- but Japanese cannot.) This makes me wonder which country has the most Second Life consumers by proportion. My quick eyeball guess is Hong Kong, whose citizens account for 3% of in-world spending -- drawn from a population of only 7 million. Or am I missing another country which proportionally counts more big virtual spenders? Image: quirkyquaintly.com
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Hamlet, somehow its surprising Denmark w. its 5 mill. population is included in the pie with 1%
Surprising since next to nothing coverage in media and if any VERY badly informed journos still telling SL is totally dead and out.
Posted by: Claus Uriza | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 02:57 AM
I come from Hong Kong and staying in SL crossing the third years. I also spot out the spending percentage is such high when comparing to the SL resident number here. Actually, it is really very very few HK resident in SL. And I suspect 90% of them actually freebie lover. The high transaction rate may not truly reflect the consumption amount in SL by resident. Some technical money transaction existing in SL between resident's alt accounts. This may be a misleading factor.
Posted by: kenzieh | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 03:12 AM
I'm surprised
The Germans outnumber the Americans in active users; yet they are way below the US in expenditure.
Are the Germans the new Scots?
(mean with cash)
Posted by: Archie Lukas | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 06:09 AM
Thanks for posting this, Hamlet! I'm still looking for other Malaysians. In nearly 2 years in SL I've only met one other Malaysian... how is it that we can account for 4% of SL spenders!
Posted by: Quaintly Tuqiri | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 06:50 AM
I don't know how First Meta's card works but if there were Linden gift cards, I think people would buy them. I have rl friends who don't care anything about SL but would buy me a gift card because they know I do.
/me points to holidays on calendar
Posted by: Jura Shepherd | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 08:06 AM
That 4% for Malaysia, it's nearly all Quaintly, I'm telling ya, I've been shopping with her!
Posted by: Ciaran Laval | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 09:44 AM
just a wild guess ... could it be that Chinese and other south east asian countries pop up as Hongkong-nese or Malaysian because of the only 2 internet server locations that connect them to the world?
Posted by: Pixel Dunst | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 11:15 AM
:0 interesting - it'd be interesting to compare a) country total rl pop to b) sl by-country pop, then to c) the provided spending per-country percentages...
Posted by: Nyoko Salome | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 04:48 PM
Ciaran! Lies! Lies! *sues for libel*
@Pixel - I think they go by IP address, although I'm not sure...
Posted by: Quaintly Tuqiri | Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 08:12 PM