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Classic New World Notes stories:
Sander's Villa: The Man Who Gave His Father A Second Life (2011)
What Rebecca Learned By Being A Second Life Man (2010)
All About My Avatar: The story behind amazing strange avatars (2007)
Fighting the Front: When fascists open an HQ in Second Life, chaos and exploding pigs ensue (2007)
Copying a Controversy: Copyright concerns come to the Metaverse via... the CopyBot! (2006)
The Penguin & the Zookeeper: Just another unlikely friendship formed in The Metaverse (2006)
Guarding Darfur: Virtual super heroes rally to protect a real world activist site (2006)
The Skin You're In: How virtual world avatar options expose real world racism (2006)
Making Love: When virtual sex gets real (2005)
Watching the Detectives: How to honeytrap a cheater in the Metaverse (2005)
Man on Man and Woman on Woman: Just another gender-bending avatar love story, with a twist (2005)
War of the Jessie Wall: Battle over virtual borders -- and real war in Iraq (2003)
Home for the Homeless: Creating a virtual mansion despite the most challenging circumstances (2003)
I want to talk about all the bots and campers I am still seeing everywhere I go. I'm considering starting a bothunter association where I start paying out lindens for persons who are able to get bots and camping sites removed from the grid. I would of course provide all the bot\camper site locations.
I'm currently trying to figure out pricing for this. Does anyone think 500L payouts would be good enough for someone to actually use whatever means necessary to get the bots and camper sites to become bot\camper free?
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | Sunday, November 01, 2009 at 09:05 PM
Two topics come to mind
1. Who or what in Second Life inspires you?
2. What Second Life/virtual world topics do you think are getting missed / given inadequate coverage by bloggers and the press?
Posted by: Nexus Burbclave | Sunday, November 01, 2009 at 11:47 PM
You see, this is why a story needs to be done on the bot issue.
Lindens just released Q3 stats and I call bull****.
They say there is a bot policy, yet, when you report bots, nothing happens to those sims, they still keep the bots and campers.
The reason....Linden wants the numbers and they don't want a massive decrease in numbers which would happen if they actually did away with bots and campers.
Posted by: LittleLostLinden | Monday, November 02, 2009 at 07:38 PM
See I went to a Rock Club
2 people there, then I discovered the 10 campers next door........
Very disappointed
Posted by: Archie Lukas | Friday, November 13, 2009 at 07:34 AM