Last week in Second Life...
- An app for robust Second Life usage on the iPhone was released.
- A rum and Coke was mixed in SL... and served in Vienna!)
- A new way of seeing SL in 3D was shown off (save your glasses after watching Avatar!)
- I wondered if Second Life content theft is actually increasing legitimate content sales (as seems to be the case in real life.)
- A marriage proposal was seen written in the virtual sky.
- An avatar makeover of Philip Rosedale was proposed (with glowing codpiece no less.)
- Iris Ophelia started sharing her holiday shopping tips for SL.
- Wiz Nordberg wrote about what Second Life needs to go mainstream.
- I modestly suggested that Second Life users tired of SL getting bashed should do less complaining, and more pushing for mass adoption.
- I started giving away invite codes to a new vampire MMO I'm helping develop.
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