Exclusive to NWN, Willow Caldera covers SL's burgeoning live music scene
No matter what one tries to say about new-voice-on-the-block Skye Galaxy, hyperbole seems determined to slip in. I have yet to attend one of his shows without fighting impossible lag, for it hasn't taken long for word to start spreading. But swimming through jam isn't enough to put his fans off, because this voice might just be the most sublime to ever have hit the Second Life grid and, if he hasn't made the big time before the next year is out, something is very wrong with this world.
Drawing influences from his favourite artists, including Coldplay, Keane and Death Cab for Cutie, Skye is something of a spiritual twin to Imogen Heap, pouring a breathy, haunting depth into the richness of his vocals. He favors cover versions - often improving significantly on the original - but every so often an original song slips in, and when that happens you realise his incredible voice is backed up by an impressive songwriting talent: the whole package, and what a package it is:
Video shot by Toxic Menges at The Bay, featuring the original song, "Better Left Unsaid"
"I started making music from the day that I was old enough to formulate notes. Whether they be from my mouth, a keyboard, it always seemed to be something I could simply do instead of think about," says Skye. "Professionally, though, my first released tracks came to be when I was sixteen years of age. I turned twenty years old in September, and am planning to release my second batch of songs fairly soon."
"Modern, melodic, atmospheric, spontaneous, I think those words fit the description best," he says. "My favorite artists consist of Björk, Imogen Heap, Chris Corner and Yann Tiersen, which might help to paint a better picture. I am told I sound like a lot of people, and for a while people thought I was the lead singer from Barcelona, which I humbly accept, even if it isn't truth. I am an unknown from Dallas, TX, but some day I hope I can live up to the expectations that not only others have set for me, but those that I have set, myself."
"My concerts are lighthearted renditions of songs that I love. People will know that I don't play songs I dislike, simply because, what's the point in that?" he goes on. "I try to keep them as open as I possibly can, many people leave with more of a conversation than just having being sung to, it is nice for the both of us. The real world and SL, alike, it is better to make friends than fans, friends keep coming back, and add to the overall experience."
He joined Second Life in September 2009, during a short period of being bed-ridden, and stayed to explore its opportunities while he produced his first tracks in a few years.
"I was told I could charge double digits from day one, but refused to be one of those. In real life, a show starts magnitudes above what a show in Second Life brings in, so I often pondered why charging more felt so bad on SL," Skye says. "$L is an evil currency, I tell you. On the same hand though, I couldn't feel too guilty. I was putting three months aside to play continuous shows within Second Life, and still had bills to pay, regardless. Some say that a real artist wouldn't play for money, and I tried to be humble over the first month of playing, more free shows than anything, but once I got sucked in more and more, the time I spent in this game swayed me to thinking that charging $10 USD a show was a pretty good deal for venue owners, when the real world would have easily slapped a zero or two on the end of that sum."
Skye uses Logic Studio to perform in SL. "I am a total Mac nerd," he explains. "But, in my defense, I am a graphic designer and musician, so the strong suits are definitely in my favor amidst my collection of fruity computers. Everything I touch is midi controlled, all live, but using samples and presets in Logic and being pushed through Nicecast, right into your computers."
He may be touted as the most likely current candidate to break out of SL and into real-world stardom, but if you want the chance to catch him as Skye, you will need to move quickly (if you can move at all in the lag).
"I used to perform in the real world all of the time, but since I am at home recording new material I have missed out on the feeling of giving concerts offline, and turned my time on Second Life into a sort of virtual tour," Skye explains. "It's been fun, but I need to focus on my real life again, which is why I am leaving this coming new year for a period of time until I get my bearings on a few opportunities that popped up, some even starting amidst relationships I had found in-game."
More about Skye Galaxy:
live music groups should Willow Caldera cover for New World Notes?
Suggest groups and performers by contacting her by IM or at
[email protected]
Her taste in music is somewhat eclectic, ranging from Kings of Leon to Frou Frou and Geneva to Joe McElderry and Avenged Sevenfold.
Mixed reality image of Skye from his MySpace profile.
Saw Skye the other day at Solace Beach, and he's got a great live presence. Very personable with the audience, and as you can tell from the video here, a highly polished sound. Here's hoping for all the best in his career!
Don't forget guys, not tipping is a ToS* violation.
*Tenets of Suavity
Posted by: Blue Linden | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 10:12 AM
Skye's music is full of soul. I knew it was something special when I first heard him during the live streaming of the Texas Jam. That is why I immediately booked him for my venue.
Skye also has the sweet personality to match his talent. He's great to work with.
Posted by: Effie Emmons | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 10:40 AM
*flails like a dork*
WOW dude ^_^
Posted by: ColeMarie Soleil | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 11:16 AM
Oh I would just like to add... if you haven't heard his cover of Hallelujah --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2m7-zdKvQEQ&feature=related
or When doves cry --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlivybCqJfI&feature=related
You really should >.<
Posted by: ColeMarie Soleil | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 01:53 PM
Love the cover of Hallelujah.
I've always wondered what the rules are when an artists performs music written by others in Second Life. Do they have to pay royalties of any sort to perform the music?
If so, is it excessive?
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 05:36 PM
@ Adric
The common etiquette: When a musician wants to perform another SL musician's original music, the first step is to ask. Generally the first musician will either say yes, or no. I've never heard of a case where a SL musician was asking for royalties for other SL musicians to cover their music. It's usually just a "yes I approve" or "no, please don't play my music" equation.... and the SL musicians respect that.
Posted by: Doubledown Tandino | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 07:37 PM
Well yes, among avatar authored tunes that is a good system, but what about an SL artist performing ASCAP, BMI, etc, covered songs. Like Hallelujah for example.
Royalites sort of sound required, but it's such a different thing from a club with tickets and the like. Most perfomers aren't heard by huge numbers in SL unlike a busy RL club with booze and chicks helping draw.
Hopefully they don't bother with SL was my thinking. Can't be a big pot of money for them.
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 09:17 PM
@ Adric
There have been piles and piles of discussion on these issues, primarily on music-centric SL blogs.
The specifics and technical legalities are in a loosely defined gray area. In essence, yes, a performer who performs a licensed song for profit should have the license to do so.
a) There is not enough money or profit to go around when a SL performer sings a cover tune for the license agencies to make an exerted effort (yet).
b) There is still a question as to whether a SL music venue is considered a public location, a private location, or a internet broadcasting stream.. meaning, is the venue owner responsible, the stream user, the stream owner, or the musician. The license companies have yet to set a standard.
c) The license companies are more concerned about mass sharing, mass distribution (IE an artist selling a cover tune on their CD), and mass broadcasting. Because SL rarely and barely has cover charges to enter a venue, and because the listener capacity is generally small, it's not a large concern for the license companies (yet).
Posted by: Doubledown Tandino | Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 03:47 PM
"charging $10 USD a show was a pretty good deal for venue owners, when the real world would have easily slapped a zero or two on the end of that sum."
The difference is that SL venues have no way to recoup even $10!
Posted by: Judi Newall | Friday, December 18, 2009 at 05:37 AM
Absolutely incredibly talented.
One of my absolute favourite voices on the grid.
Posted by: Josue Habana | Friday, December 18, 2009 at 01:07 PM
In Real Life, some venues give a percentage of alcohol sold to the performers....
.... good thing that equation doesn't exist in second life.
Posted by: Doubledown Tandinota | Saturday, December 19, 2009 at 06:35 PM
Skye has a voice which is pure musiclal artistic perfection and today is the last chance to hear him for a while in secondlife...as he preforms his last concert in sl before taking a break to concentrate on his rl music for a while...but we will all remain 'skye high' until his return xx:))
Posted by: Truelove Tomorrow | Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 06:15 AM
The first time I heard Skye was at Romantica Yacht Club and I was blown away! A close friend had suggested I go hear him and see about booking him for my venue.... well, needless to say I became a Skye-addict! This artist delivers something amazing and I will definitely miss his contribution to the SL music scene! All the best to you Skye!
Posted by: Carol Greenwood | Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 09:56 AM
Two Words: Lance Rembrandt.
Posted by: Crap Mariner | Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 11:32 AM
Lazy, late trackback: http://sl2rllove.blogspot.com/2010/08/beauty-becomes-you.html
Posted by: Ruby Destiny/Stacy Passell | Sunday, August 01, 2010 at 07:57 AM
You can see Sky at Friday 25. march at ZeusClub
Posted by: Franko Box | Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 11:33 AM