CNN reports that many people have become so besotted by the beauty of the planet Pandora in Avatar, they're leaving theaters depressed, noting "[s]uggestions for battling feelings of depression after seeing the movie include things like playing 'Avatar' video games." Or perhaps explore a virtual world made to look like the planet, for as it happens, there's an island in Second Life dubbed Pandora Magic, and as you might expect, it's already inhabited by Na'vi-like avatars, and offers a pretty good facsimile of the place depicted by the movie (at many many times less its production budget):
(Not sure what part of the movie that's from.) Curiously, Pandora and Avatar are not represented in Multiverse, a 3D virtual world that's been in development for many years, which counts Avatar creator James Cameron himself as an investor. (There is, however, a web-based Multiverse Avatar casual game tie-in promoting McDonald's and Coca Cola.) As with the Second Life roleplaying area inspired by the Dune novels (which was shut down by Frank Herbert's legal executors) Pandora Magic seems to be another example of a general rule with user-generated content: If you don't build it, your fans will build it themselves. Especially if many people are pining for the planet already.
This may be tempting enough to get me back into Second Life, which I haven't visited in a while owing to unexpected demands on my time. On the other hand, I might just go to the movie again.
Posted by: John Branch | Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 01:47 PM
Enjoy it quickly, before the corporate sharks smell blood in the water.
Posted by: Arcadia Codesmith | Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 02:21 PM
Hasn't some content related to the film already been taken down inworld? I've been sent a couple notes about that.
Posted by: Tateru Nino | Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 07:56 PM
Interesting CNN report, partly echoing my own feelings after watching the movie. As a Second Life resident, my interpretation of Cameron's work is that this movie encourages us to choose a virtual life instead of the "real one". Votes for the beauty, battles and difficulties of a virtual world, and votes against the disillusioned and corrupted world of RL. And that's why I like Avatar.
Posted by: Flo2 | Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 05:13 AM
"...choose a virtual life instead of the "real one"."
I haven't seen the movie yet, but my impression from the reviews and interviews is pretty much the opposite; yes, there is a freedom and exhileration in escaping the confines of reality in a virtual experience, but its true, most important power is to allow us to learn and grow so that we can change our reality for the better.
Posted by: Arcadia Codesmith | Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 07:08 AM
:) That's the difference between our interpretations - and wait till you can see the movie and its ending scenes; in my interpret, the movie Avatar says that the idea "we can change our reality for the better" is hopeless. Brutally hopeless.
Posted by: Flo2 | Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 07:52 AM
Posted by: Opensource Obscure | Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 08:12 AM
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