This atmospheric machinima from Loki Eliot is the teaser for a murder mystery adventure game set in New Babbage, the steampunk town. Called "Shadow of the 13" (official website here), which nicely integrates a web experience with SL interaction. If it's half as god as the machinima, it must be capital entertainment indeed. "New Babbage is a town built on Mystery," as Loki puts it to me inscrutably. "This January an old name shall once again be whispered... and a hidden truth shall be rediscovered. It all starts with a small box."
And no, Master Eliot insists, the fact that this is a murder mystery set in a fantastic Victorian England has nothing to do with a suspiciously familiar certain popular Robert Downey Jr. movie. "The Sherlock Holmes thing is complete coincidence since I had planned to do this roleplay back in October but got side tracked by Burning Life." If you do brave this mystery, dear reader, be sure to report your findings back here!
Loki Eliot is one of the most talented peoploids currently residing in Second Life. I am so pleased to see New World Notes giving his masterful work the proper recognition it so richly deserved. WTG Loki!
Posted by: Xabbu Parx | Wednesday, January 06, 2010 at 12:16 PM
The mystery is very entertaining and the props, locations and website are beautifully constructed. Many thanks to Loki Eliot for all the work that must have gone into this.
Posted by: Baron Livingston | Thursday, January 07, 2010 at 12:48 AM