Though it's somewhat fallen from the front pages in recent weeks, the humanitarian disaster in Haiti remains dire. Fortunately, a number of Second Life Residents and groups like Nonprofit Commons have put together a great homepage for Virtual Haiti Relief, with an event calendar of parties, performances, etc. where L$ donations are collected, converted to US$, and sent to Hope for Haiti Now, which then distributes them to various relief organizations. So far, about $5000 in Linden Dollars has been raised, which is a great start, though I'd love to see that grow far larger. There's a big Haiti extravaganza planned for February 26-28th -- more to details to come, but mark your calendar now.
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I think all of the fund raising for Haiti is amazing. I would like to point out that both OMGWTF Barbeque and Radio Signals together raised over 15,000USD- +4,000,000L- with their Scribble charity project.
see her flickr here:
Posted by: Nine Warrhol | Monday, February 08, 2010 at 05:58 PM
It's wonderful that people from all over the world do something for Haiti. In Germany, the SL community SLinside (soon international - the virtual world hub) has collected and donated L$215.000 to Haiti Relief Organizations.
We thank our 25.000 strong community.
Posted by: Matthias Eichhoff | Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 03:52 PM