Early innovators have already figured out how to use the new Second Life viewer's shared media function to stream webcam video of their real face on their avatar's face, but you knew they wouldn't stop there. Why just settle with yourself, when you can make like Arbit Delacroix, and slap a web stream of Ashton Kutcher on your avatar's head? Like so:
Possible new to way to have celebrity Second Life appearances, without all the painful logistics? Speaking of which, here's star SL musician Komuso Tokugawa performing his psychedelic blues in-world -- while streaming live video of Komuso's musician owner on his chest (video by Crap Mariner):
How to do all this for yourself without a lot of money or stress? Fire Centaur (Paul Preibisch, Research Assistant at University of the West of Scotland) has a step-by-step tutorial. Watch it after the break:
A snap from Lance Rembrant's mixed-media last night:
I think Twisted Ruggles has a vid on Youtube... let's see... yup:
PS: Since Viewer 2.0 won't let you turn off the interface, I just had to add some goofy comments about my lousy camerawork in the chat. Enjoy!
Posted by: Crap Mariner | Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 08:14 AM
'ok' Reading this and watching the included content has reinforced a few things in my mind:
#1 Ashton Kutcher is a moron
#2 Until I can map my face directly to an exact mesh mask for my avatar, I am NOT interested in emulating Max Headroom on a box prim!
Last but definitely not least. I am extremely excited about the potential for media sharing in SL and think it has tremendous potential!
Posted by: Valiant Westland | Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 09:50 AM
Wow, some people do takes things SERIOUS!
Posted by: Sidney Smalls | Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 10:28 AM
let me know when it progresses beyond a freakin box head display rofl.
Max Headroom anyone? How original lmao.
There are much better things to do with bandwidth.
Like the ultimate narcissism sim. Go play your gig in front of 110 looping spectator clip prims. Yaa Hoo! Who needs real listeners?
Posted by: Ann Otoole | Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 08:12 PM
I don't know about narcissim, but it certainly works for me as an added avatar effect to project a little more energy into the bitstream for my fellow immersive virtual experience particpants!
(well, it would be a tad more immersive without the lag, the bugs, etc but it's still early days)
Just released a more comprehensive Beta 2 video texture machimima test by Osprey Therion
And I'll do a shameless plug for an upcoming "real listener" gig to support Tokyo Hackerspace
(though personally I consider people in SL to also be "real listeners";-)
cu in the bitstream, kt
Posted by: Komuso Tokugawa | Wednesday, March 03, 2010 at 03:14 AM
Hi folks!
I just tracked back to here from my YouTube stats... thanks for the embed btw!
Oh and hey, lighten up already people. :) It was only meant to be a quick test to see how in-world frame rates might be effected by a webcast streaming in. It took me all of two minutes to set up and of course it's nothing special or original. That was never my intention.
If anyone is interested, the pre-streaming frame rate was around 60-65fps and it slowed down to around 30-35fps with the stream on.
Posted by: Arbit Delacroix | Wednesday, March 03, 2010 at 08:16 PM
how nice Idia!!
Posted by: kyota Spitteler | Thursday, March 04, 2010 at 09:16 PM
This really opens the door wide open for mixed reality. I can now stream live images from my telescope into SL just by using FTP on a server hosting the image; for long exposure video running at a rate of no more than one 1 frame per 8 seconds, a simple webpage automatically refreshing the latest image is more than adequate. Second Life sidewalk astronomy is now going to be an in-world reality.
Posted by: Simeon Ferraris | Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 02:23 PM