Here's the winner in the recent machinima contest put on by Pop Art Lab, a Second Life art project co-sponsored by Denmark's Virtual Worlds Research. "La Rumba Bacana II" by Al Peretz, a sunny, sexy, high-energy music video officially produced for Pernett, a Columbian pop star who shows up throughout in avatar form (he of the big funky hair.) Safe to watch at work, but the track is so fricking caliente, you may need space to dance along while watching:
A bit too excessively montagey for my taste, but really excellent editing and photography. Plus if you love hot women with giant afros (and really who doesn't?) prepare for heaven. More about the video on Pop Art's site here, official winner announcement here.
If any want to see rest of 14 contest entrants they can be viewed at:
The judge consisted of Jeska Linden, Chantal Harvey, Lisbeth Frölunde and me.
It was a tough process since many of the machinimas were awesome.
However the tipping point among the judges 3 winning films ended rethinking the $L100.000 machinima contest original purposes; To capture sim design before removal and the ability to reflect Pop Art Labs main focus, the love of music.
Al Peretz entry made all 4 of us smile so much and I was lucky to get a rumba with Al at the in-world announcements :D
Ty Hamlet for posting here and ty tons to all who participated in the contest!
Posted by: Claus Uriza | Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 12:15 AM
Thanks to Claus for made this kind of events.. its one of the most important ways for machinimators to show, learn and enjoy this art
Thanks a lot
Posted by: Al peretz | Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 03:24 PM