Aniboom, the online animation studio, is holding a contest to select an animated short to air on the beloved public TV show Sesame Street. The selection is partly driven by community vote, and right now, among the 350 submissions, this face-punchingly cute machinima above, "10 Little Aliens", is ranked 38. Created by a number of well-known developers (Judi Newall wrote the script, Madcow Cosmos made the avatars and props, Lorin Tone the music, Chantal Harvey the machinima, Lauren Weyland the voiceover), it proceeds from the premise that the best object to teach kids how to count is alien eyeballs. (And who the hell can argue with that?) To vote, you need to take the time to first create a free Aniboom account, then click the Rate Me button on the alien video. A bit time-consuming, but just imagine Second Life rocking Elmo's world. (Pooky Amsterdam also made another fun machinima entry trailing a few dozen ranks back.)
The machinima, by the way, was almost disqualified by Animboom. According to Ms. Newall, the judges originally rejected it, on the grounds that "Machinima animations is forbidden due to right sakes, [and] video games design materials are shown in this video." After explaining SL's intellectual property rights policies, the entry was re-accepted. So were it to win, victory would be that much sweeter. Plus the kids in our life could count on it too. Deadline, I think, is May 9th!
PookyMedia also submitted a film to aniboom -
Please have a look at this too and please vote for it - Second Life Machinima is a very important film platform and we are very proud to have also entered!
& Thank Q
Posted by: Pooky Amsterdam | Tuesday, May 04, 2010 at 11:49 AM
Who would have ever thought Lauren's voice is perfect for that! I love it.
Posted by: Delinda Dyrssen | Tuesday, May 04, 2010 at 01:02 PM
Delinda, I argued that Lauren's voice was better than mine for this, and I was right! Lauren is a natural at stuff like this, we were honored to have her on this little project, and look forward to more.
Please, everyone also vote for Pooky's "Q" video! It's every bit as fun as ours.
Posted by: Lorin Tone | Tuesday, May 04, 2010 at 02:08 PM