Chestnut Rau's Weekly Roundup of Upcoming SL Events.........
Chouchou is a Japanese music group that exists only in the virtual world of Second Life. Juliet Herberle (above) lends her vocals and arabesque Choche provides the music that is Chouchou. Together the duo have released two albums and several Machinima, the newest of which you can see here. Read more about Chouchou here on NWN.
Chouchou will be performing in their unbelievably beautiful new sim at 7:30am on Saturday July 31st. The group has a devoted fanbase who have been eagerly awaiting the duo's return to live SL performance so make sure you get there early to get a seat. The sim will open at 7am. Please set your draw distance to 512 and turn up particles so you get the full visual experience of the build. Do your part to make the show pleasant by dressing in your low lag, low scripted best. In Chouchou. [Slurl teleport at this link]
Today through 8/22 - Body of a Woman Exhibit by Callipygian Christensen
Some of the moving images In this exhibit by Callipygian Christensen challenge the traditional notion of what the body of a woman looks like and some are inspired by the poetry of Pablo Neruda. Callipygian Christensen has been creating photographic art using images shot in Second Life, for over 4 years. Her images have won both juried and fan-favourite competitions and have been shown in galleries and special exhibitions. In Tasogare. [SLurl teleport at this link]
7/29 5:30pm - GLBTIQ Discussion Group: Coming Out
Come share stories in a relaxed environment of the safe space of the Gay Angel Club. Coming out is the first discussion of the season, because it can be defined in so many different ways. Half of the process is "coming out" to ourselves and then being able to talk about worries, concerns or just share your story of coming out with other like-minded folks. This event is open to everyone. Any questions should be forwarded to Micheal832 Oodles. In Breezy Shores. [Slurl teleport at this link]
6pm - Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd and Guest Philip Slater
Phil Slater has taught sociology at Harvard, Brandeis, and UCSC and has written twenty plays, taught writing and playwriting and is currently teaching online courses at California Institute for Integral Studies and blogs at Huffington Post. Today he will discuss his book The Chrysalis Effect. The show will be simulcast on BlogTalkRadio or attend in world. In Virtually Speaking. [SLurl teleport at this link]7pm - NCI Class: Animated Textures
Have you ever wanted to make your creations flicker or flash, or just change a graphic? Learn how in this class that will teach advanced texture techniques like frame animation, and planar mapping. There will be a class project to make flickering Fairy Wings based on real butterfly wings. In Fishermans Cove. [Slurl teleport at this link]
After the break: Song of Solomon Play, Ventura Art & Jardin Exhibition, Grand Reopening of The Patio, and much much more
(All event times in SLT, "Second Life Time"-- i.e., Pacific Standard)
Friday 7/30
10am - NASA eEducation Summer Fair
Visit the NASA eEducation Summer Fair and try out the new water cycle ride and meteorite hunt. There is a new Space Exploration Vehicle, the Falcon 9, Ares airplane, NASA spinoffs and more! They will be showcasing some of the entries from the Second Physics Science and Art contest in the Science Hearts Art Park. Come take a spin on the mega-sun merry-go-round or ferris wheel. In Eikos Commonwealth. [Slurl teleport at this link]
3pm - LadyScarlett Farstrider Live at Bella Vida
From the Dixie Chicks to Nirvana, Evanescence to Patsy Cline, Lady will always keep her audience surprised with her wide range of musical tastes.Her shows truly provide a little something for everyone. In Bella Vida.[SLurl teleport at this link]6pm - Komouso Live at TriBeCa Blues ClubKomuso Tokugawa's rough-around-the-edges sound is often desciribed as 'dirty', 'grungy' or alternative'. Highly experimental, Komuso takes influences from world music and wraps them around the emotionally charged blues core to create his sound. "The blues is the human condition, Blues is life or truth as has been said, and encompasses the whole spectrum of human emotion from despair to joy" In MidState New York. [Slurl teleport at this link]
7pm - Frogg & Jaycatt Live
Frogg plays guitar, sings and occasionally plays piano. Jaycatt plays piano, keys and occasionally sings. They play originals and covers interspersed with semi witty banter. Frogg and Jay are an SL institution and if you have not caught them in a while, isn't it time you did? In Lingmell. [Slurl teleport at this link]
8pm - Kaklick Martin Live at Luxor Stage
Friday is delightful day at Luxor Stage as it is the traditional beginning of the weekend when Kaklick Martin plays. Kaklick plays originals, many of which have an SL twist. This is always a fun show. In Laurel Arts Isle. SLurl teleport at this link***
Saturday 7/31
2pm to 4pm - Grand Reopening of The Patio
The Patio is a casual, friendly music venue that is celebrating its Grand Reopening today with an afternoon of music that is sure to get your toes tapping. At 2pm David Csiszer will share a blend of originals and covers of bands such as Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, STP, and Stone Sour. Then at 3pm Chrs Evermore will present a blend of indie folk and progressive acoustic covers of music by Del Amitiri, Damien Rice, Van Morrison, Crowded House and others. Finally, the amazing Lyndon Heart will take the stage and and share his rich musicianship as he performs selections from he repertoire of original music with a few familiar covers thrown in for good measure. In Gallinas. [SLurl teleport at this link]3pm - Guitar Zane Live at The Cove
Guitar Zane is a Texan with 20 years of experience performing in RL. He plays an eclectic mix of music, giving it his own edgy style; as well as powerful original pieces. From top 40, blues, country, rock and more, Guitar's vocals will make you melt and his energy will get you moving. In Althena Cove. [Slurl teleport at this link]
5pm - Come Away My Beloved - A Musical
~*UNITY*~ presents a full length theatrical production inspired by The Song of Solomon. Please have music stream and voice enabled activated to hear the songs performed. Make sure that your microphone is turned off during the performance.In Thinkerer Quests. [Slurl teleport at this link]
Sunday 8/1
All Day - US Gulf Oil Spill Protest Concert
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an environmental disaster of unprecedented proportions. This all day musical event is a protest via which people can express anger, sorry and hopefully together find hope. The event starts at 9am and runs through 9pm. Live music will be provided by top musicians including CraigLyons Writer, Idella Quandry, Dexter Ihnen, Noma Falta and many many others. For a full schedule please click the graphic to get a larger view. In Bali Bali. [Slurl teleport at this link]
3pm - Ventura Art & Jardin exhibtion - Moonstone Eiren; Monroe Snook; Glyph Graves
Ventura Arte & Jardin is honoured to present its very first exhibition "enchanted" featuring the art of Moonstone Eiren; Monroe Snook and Glyph Graves. Exhibition opening with music by the incomparable Cylindrian Rutabaga. In Universe. [Slurl teleport at this link]
5pm - Lughnasadh! Exhibit Opening and Presentation with Aoife Lorefield
Lughnasadh marked the beginning of the harvest season, the Harvest of Grain (Bread), the ripening of first fruits, and was traditionally a time of community gatherings, market festivals, horse races and reunions with distant family and friends. Among the Irish it was a favored time for handfastings -trial marriages that would generally last a year and a day, with the option of ending the contract before the new year, or later formalizing it as a more permanent marriage. Come learn more about this ancient festival from Aoife as she unveils the new exhibit. In West of Ireland. [Slurl teleport at this link]
Monday 8/2
5pm - SOAR Plays Live at Sunset Jazz Club
Somerset Oh and Rhode are friends who met many moons ago and are now separated by many miles in the physical world. Through the magic of SL they are able to perform their all original music. All songs are written, produced, arranged and played by SOAR. You are in for a treat when you listen to this show. In Laurel Arts Isle. [SLurl teleport at this link]
5pm - Writer's Symposium
Do you have a short story, poem, creative prose piece to share with other writers? Do you want supportive feedback on it? Join us at 5pm every Monday for the Writer's Symposium open-mic. Bring your work to read aloud; to receive feedback, paste it into a notecard to share with the group. Don't have voice? We'll read it aloud for you. All are welcome! The event is conducted in voice, so you will need voice chat enabled to hear the speakers. In Raziel. [Slurl teleport at this link]
Tuesday 8/3
3:30pm - Thinkers: Will Philip's Return Improve SL?
A recent poll showed residents' faith in the future of SL significantly improving after it was announced Rosedale would return as CEO. But, in a world that depends so much on collaborative creation of content by the many, how much difference can any one person really make? Come and discuss with Extropia. All welcome. In Pennyroyal. [Slurl teleport at this link]
5pm - Celebration at Exodi
To celebrate the release of her new skin Isolde, Ryker Beck is throwing a party! There will be music, dancing, a treasure hunt,more than 40 special prizes and contests. This is the place to be for all you fashionistas! In Exodi. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Wednesday 8/4
7pm - Matthew Perreault at the Luxor Stage
Soothe your hump day worries by heading over to Circe Broome's Luxor Stage for an hour of unique and original songwriting from Matthew Perreault. In Laurel Arts Isle. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Event Submission Guidelines:
1. Events for the coming week must be received by Tuesday Noon SLT.
2. Include all the relevant info; day, time, and especially the SLURL to the event location.
3. Please send related graphics such as screen shots or photo of the event site, if available.
4. Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
5. Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are welcome, as long they serve and entertain the Second Life community, and/or foster
Resident-made content (live music, builds, scripting, fashion, games, etc.) Events that merely promote the company or organization's Second Life presence
are not generally appropriate; you may instead consider advertising your event or service on New World Notes.
6. Mature-rated events are permissible, but listing descriptions should be PG-13. Political and religious events are encouraged, though those of an
extreme or non-inclusive variety are rarely included.
7. Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before!" value.
If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event information via email to Chestnut Rau at [email protected].
WOW! I guess I picked the wrong week to give up SL
Posted by: Eli Schlegal | Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 06:12 AM
Thank you, Chestnut!
Posted by: Emerald Wynn | Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 11:37 AM