After David Fincher directed Fight Club but before he directed a movie about Facebook, Fincher wanted to make a movie about Second Life. And if he did, he would have loved this brutally excellent Second Life fashion spread inspired by Fight Club, by the terminally cool kids at SLipsters. Which I found via a blog called Razorblade Cookies, which has much that's witty to say about this metaverse Brad Pitt and Ed Norton pair, and many other things too.
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Oh, how wonderful. "Abuse Chic" strikes again . . . this time for men. Gosh, how tough, how "manly" they look, with the crap beaten out of them. What a radically chic fashion statement: violence is soooo glamorous, isn't it?
According to the fashion spread,
"You are not your Xstreet account.
You are not the clothes you wear.
You are not the contents of your inventory.
You are not your fucking ozimal bunnies."
And yet, here we have an item-by-item account of where all of these wonderful accessories and garments were purchased -- just in case you wanted to shop for them on Xstreet, add them to your inventory, and become the clothes and skins you wear. I guess irony really is dead.
The movie "Fight Club" had a great deal to say, about masculinity, about the human psyche and about identity, to name but a few themes. It is a highly problematic, but always intelligent movie.
This fashion spread, however, says little about anything beyond our culture's infatuation with violence, our outdated notions of masculinity and machismo, and our ability to aestheticize and commercialize anything, no matter how horrific.
Posted by: Scylla Rhiadra | Friday, July 30, 2010 at 07:36 PM
agree with Scylla, anyhoo, this is by far the best fashion blog in Second life. I enjoy every word and pic of it. Genious :)
Posted by: Vesper Kling | Friday, July 30, 2010 at 11:14 PM
Scylla, I take it then you'll pass on "Jane Austen's Fight Club"?
Posted by: Nightbird Glineux | Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 03:59 PM
Pass on it? I'm a member ...!
(oops. Forgot the first rule!)
Posted by: Scylla Rhiadra | Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 04:54 PM
Some comments deleted for incivility. First rule of Second Life Fight Club, you do not be a damn dick when you talk about Second Life Fight Club.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 06:06 PM
I wouldn't say that fashion is actually "Abuse Chic" by the way. I think that's a matter of opinion. Maybe they just kept bashing their heads against the wall in frustration from the texture lag waiting to take photos. You never know.
Posted by: ColeMarie Soleil | Monday, August 02, 2010 at 05:46 AM