You know what today needs? Yes, that's right: Japanese punk rock with gravity-defying fishcake eating and a hot horny babe beset by a housefly while a furry in a French maid outfit rocks out on a three-headed bearskin rug. (How'd you guess?) Also, directed by a little bird. So, here you go:
The machinima is by a Japanese Resident named sober Svenska (blog here), who as it happens, is a friend of my Japanese translator Sanny Yoshikawa. "This song is erotic and about imagining a lover," Sanny tells me, though you've probably guessed that by now. She adds that sober Svenska, whose avatar is a budgie (left), was disappointed to discover her chosen Second Life name literally translates to "Not intoxicated Swedish woman". But she does seem to be under the influence of something when she made this machinima. The band MeRMEN doesn't play in Second Life, by the way, because the vocalist/songwriter lives in a remote part of Nagano, Japan; but the other band member is a close acquaintance of Svenska's, who now makes machinima videos of their music. So it all worked out well. If you call French maid furries and flying fish cakes working out well, and goddammit I do.
Wagner,Thank you for introducing my machinima.and Thank you Sanny :) I so enjoyed making this machinima.
Posted by: sober Svenska | Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 06:14 PM