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Friday, July 23, 2010


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the more you focus on the "product/service" called "Second Life" offered by Linden Lab the more youll find smaller and smaller ROI for the usage of realtime collabrative 3d media.

and no 'metaverse' pr can solve that.

the more one looks to education/ training/ and collabrative efforts via simulations ..and looks at the full spectrum of offereings and capabilities, the more one will see the trends to adoption by many.


Yur also looking for established applicational uses for second life, trying to place sl into the jigsaw puzzle of consumerism. SL has transformed people in a way not yet realised or categorised yet. There is no place for educating anyone until the real effects of virtualisation of our experience and it's effect on who we are what we do and how we grow overall is understood,.... I love king prawns

John "Pathfinder" Lester

Poke around The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (full papers are all online and free to access). Lots of pedagogical research and results involving SL and VWs in general. http://jvwresearch.org

Hannah Yakan

Hi, I am registered for a class next fall with my sociology teacher who is going to teach a class in SL about social issues. Should be interesting, I can't wait. College is NMSU.

Ignatius Onomatopoeia

Give our UT researchers time. As I noted in my post about this, higher ed. moves slowly, and that's good because our results have to be vetted at every step.

I suspect we will see the sorts of metrics Hamlet expects, coming out in peer-reviewed journals. And if learning outcomes were not met, we'll see that for sure. I trust my colleagues to report accurately on what happened.

Compared to the private sector, where results are expected quarterly, academic research is a long process. Even if results are now in an editor's hands after the pilot-project year ended, it will be a year before we see publications.

Then I think we'll be able to see measurable results from the UT projects.



You seems to have a very limited understanding of learning, which I believe is deliberate since you obviously are pursuing an agenda.

I'll say again, I sure do hope the Linden's aren't listening to you.

Just understanding how to use the technological platform provided by SL effectively for different purposes is an immense learning experience, and sure beats spending hours in front of a TV. This is how SL should be promoted for learning purposes.

shockwave yareach

The best application for Education is one of Distance Learning. Campuses are expensive to upgrade. Campuses locked into downtown areas (like UT) are doubly so. But if you offered ALL freshman classes in SL cheaper than it would cost to build taller buildings, you'd have scores of parents happy to save a few K and keep (tolerate) the kid home for another year. Students can interact with the prof (teaching assistant) inworld just like in a classroom. Virtual office hours, the same thing. Plus texts and materials can be emailed back and forth instantly. Increased enrollment while not having to build new campus buildings? What's not to like here?

Robin Heyden

HI There. John Wiecha (Boston University Medical School) and I conducted a pilot continuing medical education event in SL last June with famly practice physicians. We had some very interesting (and positive) data. You can read the details and take a look at the data in this article we published in The Journal of Medical Internet Research: http://www.jmir.org/2010/1/e1/

retro jordan 5

They’re a whole lot far more watchful about what they article. Understandably.Seriously good selection. Thanks for sharing

Jim Barrett

I published an article in the book "Learning and Teaching in the Virtual World of Second Life", which includes assessment of teaching and learning in SL:


We have been using SL for teaching since 2007 and I must admit the two biggest problem areas are archiving of materials and feedback (quantitative and qualitative) on effectiveness and results. The two broad approaches; as a means of distribution and communication, and as a tool for student creativity and cooperation are worthwhile. Student motivation is high in those students that 'get it'. Those that don't have really trouble. Distance learning is an obvious area of application.

I think it depends on finding a suitable context for the use of SL in learning and then supporting that learning with other digital and non-digital tools. Teacher motivation and enthusiasm is vital as is a team approach generally.

Thanks for this.

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