ColeMarie Soleil explores Second Life's arts scene from her unique point of view
Real life professional musician Tasuku Arai, who goes by the SL name Tasuku Ghost, is a magician at using computer music, as well as sampled sounds from live performances, which come to fruition as ambient, house, techno and electronica. His performances in Second Life are not to be missed, filled with enchanting, dream-like, haunting music, with beautiful visuals and relaxing particles to accompany it:
Primarily self-taught, Tasuku played in several bands, then in 2007, decided to focus on making music and performing solo. He often reflects upon the dreams and memories hidden within himself, and uses the evoked images to write music, giving it that special something that so gently but strongly captures your heart.
In RL, Tasuku is heavily involved in making music for movies and theatrical work but still finds time to appear in solo live performances. Keep updated on his music by following his MySpace page.
ColeMarie Soleil covers the Second Life arts scene for New World Notes when inspiration strikes. Before joining SL, she was a studio musician, a wandering gypsy, a graphic designer, and a solo artist who's performed at Whiskey a Go Go in Los Angeles and the Apollo in Manhattan. See more of her machinima here.
Cole has to be the best machinima artist in SL, and the music is good too...:))
Posted by: soror nishi | Monday, August 02, 2010 at 12:15 PM
very cool... I like it alot... good profile for his art
Posted by: trindolyn Beck | Tuesday, August 03, 2010 at 06:07 PM