Kotaku, one of the Net's largest blogs and by far the largest gaming blog, has a very nice feature on LOGOS, the impressive collectible card game based in Second Life. Created by Oni Horan and Darien Caldwell, I briefly wrote about LOGOS last month, but Kotaku's Mike Fahey delves much deeper. It's great to see Kotaku covering SL-based games, a topic I actually wrote about for Kotaku back in 2006, but in retrospect, probably before Second Life was really robust enough to support "gamer games". It'll likely be awhile until you can play a full-fledged, low lag multiplayer FPS in Second Life, but genres which don't depend on twitch action, like LOGOS, can really succeed in SL. I bet if Kotaku's coverage brings a lot of pageviews, the site will be much more inclined to cover other Second Life-based games. Hint hint. Hat tip: Pavig Lok.
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Congrats to LOGOS for this great press, and thanks Hamlet for continuing to cover this.
I love this game. Used it as an example of "flow" in my SLCC keynote, too. http://bit.ly/9Pw6PA
Posted by: John "Pathfinder" Lester | Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 08:17 AM