This looks like a fascinating project, especially if you're an opera lover: Operabis, a live opera performed in Rennes, France, and presented in Second Life. First show is November 6, 9am SLT: Go here to reserve a seat.
According to developer Hugobiwan Zolnir, the Operabis project "won a grant from the French Ministry of Culture in order to experiment the new digital environment in the cultural field. Five live events are organized both in Second Life and the Opensim French grid "francogrid" from November to June 2011 in the 3D opera. An internet site, a Flickr group, #operabis hashtag on Twitter and a fanpage on Facebook have also been set up to create exchange spaces around the experience.... A study will be made in June 2011 about the way people are sharing cultural events online. The next step of the project will be a 3D build of the backstage in order to explain the way the IRL opera is prepared."
Our "Hypergrid Adventurers Club" learned about this opera a couple days ago on an excursion to FrancoGrid. You can follow our footsteps here:
I'm definitely attending this event on Nov 6. And reservations are actually *not* required. Just show up. :)
Posted by: Pathfinder | Friday, October 29, 2010 at 05:13 AM
Correction: there *is* a registration if you want to attend in Second Life.
But not if you want to attend on FrancoGrid itself. And the page for *that* info is here:
Posted by: Pathfinder | Friday, October 29, 2010 at 05:16 AM
/me is a mad opera buff :-D
Posted by: Osprey | Friday, October 29, 2010 at 05:40 PM