One day a Second Life avatar named KFH Pooraka came across an immensely cool interactive music experience created by another avatar with the unlikely name of Dizzy Banjo, and they struck up a friendship. This was especially fortunate for both, because in real life, Ms. Pooraka is UK popstar Kirsty Hawkshaw, while Mr. Banjo is a fellow Brit named Robert Thomas, who also makes iPhone/iPad apps (with RjDJ). The latest is Rj Voyager, now available for free on the iPad, and it incorporates samples sung by Kirsty into a tactile, immersive and interactive music app. Watch:
Dig the in-joke about landmarks at the beginning, Kirsty as the dulcet-voiced, luminously gorgeous narrator, and of course the app itself, which exudes coolness. Here's some of the Second Life projects Dizzy has made: an ambient soundtrack for Mexico's tourist board site, and Parsec, which merges VOIP to Second Life interactivity. And after the break, here's Kirsty in a Dizzy SL experience from last year:
And here's NWN's ColeMarie Soleil's take on the same installation:
Wooo Dizzy is the man ...
Posted by: ColeMarie Soleil | Monday, November 22, 2010 at 02:49 PM
Ah thanks for the kind words Hamlet !
Just to clarify one thing, Im part of a team of people who make apps at RjDj. It's a really talented crew :)
It's been great working with Kirsty and exploring interactive music on iOS devices. We are also working on sone other projects too.
I think the process is very similar to creating music for virtual worlds and games.
Posted by: Dizzy Banjo | Monday, November 22, 2010 at 03:07 PM
You really should change the title. As Dizzy points out, there is no "i" in "team";-)
RJDJ team is doing some neat stuff!
Posted by: Komuso Tokugawa | Monday, November 22, 2010 at 06:02 PM
Post RJDJ-ified! And Coley-fied, too!
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Monday, November 22, 2010 at 09:38 PM