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Thursday, November 18, 2010


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Michelle Leckrone

I can see this is going to be so very natural to me to use its just like using a camera just about

August Lusch

Interesting stuff, it looks like a sort of cross between Kinect, Move and the Wii but for the PC.

But I have finally got my 3D Connexions Space Navigator and for now, that tool for Machinima making is my preferred method of input for SL. This could change that, but it would take some doing (depending on space and lighting requirements).

The thing I would be interested to see on this is if you could create basic .bhv motions with it, animating in SL is either done through traditional key frame animation (QAvimator, Poser) or through Motion Capture (which is easier but not exactly a cheap set up).

If this controller could do something that would be somewhere in between those two areas, allowing the user to create some basic animations that they could then build keyframes on, that would be an instant sell in my book.

Adeon Writer

Having used my SpaceNavigatorPE for about 3 years now, I just must recommend it as *THE* best way to maneuver a camera in any 3D environment. It's basically second nature once you learn it, and requires minimal actual movement. I don't think I would trade it for something like this.

Arcadia Codesmith

August, at some point the Lab was working on Puppeteering, a feature that would allow you to drag and position the joints of your avatar in the client and save off poses as animation assets.

I don't know what the current status is -- I think it's on hold. But I believe the preliminary code has been used with a mocap rig to power real-time animation, and there's no reason it couldn't be adapted for another input device (albeit with less precision).

Voila... cheap mocap (among many other applications).

August Lusch

Arcadia, thanks for that, I wouldn't mind knowing more about that, is it on the same priority list as LL's universal windlight settings?

Little Lost Linden

The rig...how is she?


Little Lost Linden


It ryhmes with Lotus...

Komuso Tokugawa

and Potus!

but he's turned out to be
a little bit
of Wall Street
Smoke and Mirrors
Coke or Pepsi?
Dumbocrat or Republic*nt?
Hocus Pocus!

Arcadia Codesmith




Side note: in the discussion section, somebody brings up the intriguing possibility of rigging a 'brainwave' toy as a controller in conjunction with Puppeteering. Whoever thought of that deserves a cookie. Whoever makes it work deserves a cookie factory.

Even though puppeteering is in 'hibernation', there may or may not be a region(s) where it is still enabled for testing purposes. I don't know much about the subject other than what I've read, but it certainly sounds like a worthy development target.

Mark Young

This is the same virtual camera that has been attached to head-mounted displays since 1968 but that the device is so portable and so cheap is amazing. I'm looking forward to playing with it!


Loving this a LOT ! Remarkable !

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