The Warrior's Way, an aggressively international action fest opening in the US this coming weekend, isn't strictly about virtual worlds or online games. But I definitely think New World Notes readers will at least enjoy the trailer, what with the Korean swordsman joining up with a traveling carnival in the Old West to fight off Japanese ninjas who are assisted by steampunk cowboys in a hyperreal dreamscape. The blending of genres and cultural icons distinctly reminds me of "Bebop Reality", the term I used to describe the way a virtual world like Second Life allows crazy cross-context improvisation. Videogames have also been doing that for years, especially across the East-West spectrum, giving us a conceptual comfort level with watching wildly implausible blends like this -- especially if the kicking of ass is involved. Which makes a movie like The Warrior's Way possible. And did I mention the steampunk cowboys?
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I dunno about the Steampunk part, but the trailer does look awesome. Which doesn't look good for the actual movie. I've seen plenty of awesome trailers that got me interested in seeing the film, only to have the film pretty much stink on ice in the snow immersed in liquid nitrogen.
I'd probably still go see it, though. If nothing else, it'd be a pretty good popcorn movie to see.
Posted by: Fuzzball Ortega | Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 06:36 AM