Peter Greenaway speaks at 48Hour Film Project Machinima 2010 from Chantal Harvey on Vimeo
This is a long but inspiring speech by acclaimed filmmaker Peter Greenaway, who recently appeared in Second Life to judge a machinima contest. (Ideal viewing over the long Thanksgiving weekend, at least here in the States.) During the awards, Greenaway encouraged machinima makers to strive farther and higher, transcending old forms of narrative associated with cinema, which he sees as a dying art. I don't totally agree with that claim, though I do think there's no question feature-length cinema has lost its centrality in popular culture and will never get it back, supplanted as it has by YouTube and other online platforms for user-generated content. And as the importance of cinema recedes, it's incumbent on machinima makers to create a new medium that better connects with the digital age. Watch and discuss here!