Here's my personal top ten favorite Second Life machinima of 2010, videos with innovative visual effects, bravura editing, beautiful cinematography, great storytelling, and sometimes, all four, counting down from the top:
10 - BobE Schism's "Hanging Out to Dry", with surreal and witty use of Second Life props and effects matched to cool music:
9 - Lainy Voom's "Dagon", a magnificent Second Life machinima based on H.P. Lovecraft's short story:
8 - Toxic Menges' "Little Red Riding Hood", kung fu edition:
7 - Akira Balog's story of an android at the end of the world:
6 - Bryn Oh's music video for a Moby track, "Stay With Me":
5 - Lyric Lundquist's "trix", brilliant merging of deeply personal real world video with SL machinima:
Final top four for 2010 after the break:
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