Roundup of Upcoming Second Life Events by Guest Contributor Any1 Gynoid, co-author of the SL power user guide Always Have Fun!
Sunday 12:30 pm, 12/19: Art Opening: Flowers of Life. Two and a half years in the making, Mariaka Nishi’s lifelong vision is this incredible immersive art show, featuring dozens of top SL artists. In Metaversel. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Sunday 12/19, 5 pm: Political News Junkies Digby and Susie Madrak. Interview show Virtually Speaking hosts epic bloggers, Digby and Susie Madrak, prolific contributors to blogazines: Salon Magazine, Eschaton, Huffington Post, Hullabaloo, Crooks and Liars, Suburban Guerilla, and FireDogLake. Jay Ackroyd hosts. In Virtually Speaking. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Sunday, 12/19, 6 pm SLT: Community: Jackson Street Books Open House. Owner Bookem Jackson plans a full evening with intelligent chat, holiday music, freebies, and contests. Meet a great circle of political friends and join the subscribo for her “Meet the RL Author” event series. In Pini. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Monday 12/20: 9 pm – Poetry: Yule Festival - Healing Through Art. Open mike poetry reading in SL voice. Yule Festival by The Wild Fox Rovers continues with Live Music, Storytelling, and Poetry though January 2. In Ozland NE. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Tuesday 12/21, 6pm: Final Performance: Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night Act 3. Metaverse Shakespeare Company hosts this final performance of Shakespeare comedy in SL voice. Rumors of Virtual Male Baldness and an All Female Cast on voice morph are in the mix. Quite odd and fun, this lot! Also Sunday at 1pm on 12/19. In Shakespeare. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Wednesday 12/22, 3pm: 3 pm – Zorch Boomhauer @ Beach Party. Live Music at the beach with monster wave surfing! Surfside Hideaway hosts one of SL’s favorite musicians for his swimsuit-clad fans! Surfs Up! In Tai. [SLurl teleport at this link]
12/22, 7 pm: Criss Museum Artists Ball on Ice. Bring your main squeeze to this romantic Ball on Ice, and dance amongst the finest art in SL. Criss Museum of Contemporary Art now featuring stunning exhibitions by RL artists Chrome Underwood and Artemisia Naxos. In Alajuela. [SLurl teleport at this link].
Thursday 12/23, 10pm: Author Ari Berman’s “Herding Donkeys”. Interview with political strategist Ari Berman, writer for The Nation, who balanced headstrong political tactics by US Democrats, Rahm Emmanuel and Howard Dean, in his new book “Herding Donkeys”. Jay Ackroyd hosts. In Virtually Speaking. [SLurl teleport at this link]
Any1 Gynoid teaches Journalism, Photography, Music Promotion, and SL Power User Tricks for New Citizens Inc. Any1 and Cat Darwinian are co-authors of the SL power user guide: "Always Have Fun!" [Download at this link]
So do we have a new events writer?
Posted by: Matthew Perreault | Monday, December 20, 2010 at 12:16 PM
May your New Year be filled with special moment our is Good quality, warmth,peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing youall the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.
Posted by: nike shox nz | Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 06:29 PM
On the birth of your child,May the precious new life you've brought into the world bring you a world of new joys.
Posted by: shox nz | Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 06:33 PM