Blue Mars has a new update for the viewer and the software development kit. You can download the viewer at the homepage, or if you already have the viewer, get the update patch here. Most of the new additions are for developers (read the release notes here), but there's some pretty cool new features for users, like the new Places browser that lets you sort Mars locations by recent updates, and cities you've already downloaded. Also, personal homes you can edit. More details on the Blue Mars blog. Disclosure: I'm an occasional consultant for Blue Mars, but not this month -- however, Iris Ophelia is still ruling the Mars blog, covering gorgeous housewares and beautiful hair and cutely freckled skins and suchlike.
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Instanced home/apartment interiors are a smart use of resources, a boon to privacy and something I'd like to see in SL.
I'm still highly critical of Blue Mars on a number of fronts, but credit where credit is due. This is a good idea.
Posted by: Arcadia Codesmith | Monday, December 20, 2010 at 07:52 AM