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Friday, January 07, 2011


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Rhianon Jameson

Just to mention two, I unfailingly read Dio Kuhr (at http://ephemeralfrontier.blogspot.com/) and Emilly Orr (at http://razorblade-cookies.blogspot.com/), both of whom you've mentioned on this blog.

Laetizia Coronet

I started writing again long after the demise of the Virtual Village Voice, which had more readers than my present day serious RL blog ever had. It's just thoughts though, nothing more ambitious.


Marianne McCann

Ya, I'll be shameless: http:/marianne.secondlifekid.com/

Robustus Hax

Don't forget the Metaverse Tribune http://metaversetribune.com and Metaverse TV http://metaversetv.com :)

Pamala Clift

Well the Roadside Philosophers are in SL and meet every fortnight. (Also a part of Rockcliffe University) So a good portion of my current blogs are virtual world education.
I have been laid off from my university.. so now I will be blogging weekly.
Virtual world education & Virtual Relationships & psychology.

Hamlet Au

Keep 'em coming!

Laetizia, I can't RSS your site, whattup widdat?

Salvatore Otoro

I have my two blogs of my own: http://secondliferoleplay.com (A blog all about role play in SL. How to, sims, shopping, and stories)and http://secondliferesident.blogspot.com (A blog of general musings regarding SL)

and among my favorites:
http://virtualneko.com (A blog about and for all the nekos in SL)

http://botgirl.blogspot.com/ (thought provoking blogs from BotGirl)


Well me of course! :)


Senban Babii

Well if everyone else is going to blatantly self-promote, here's my blog too 8D


Yordie Sands

hey hey... here's my shameless self-promotion. my blog, "Being Yordie Sands" is almost 3 years old and pretty active with ~30 posts a month. And me being a Second Life socialite, I really get around The Grid. So, give us a try. /me smiles


Rocky Constantine

Ok, I am definitely going to give a shamless plug for my own blog. --- http://in-worldandout.blogspot.com/ Thanks for the opportunity.

Stacia Villota

Shameless plug: http://virtualneko.com/
My blog weaves a little bit of Neko into all sorts of miscellaneous short stories with beautiful photos. A fashion outfit always serves as a backdrop to the story. There are also tons of resource pages for AOs, tattoos, kimonos, Neko bits, and handy “how to” guides.

Carrie Lexington

shameless plug for me too :))


Mariko Nightfire


My blog posts have been cited acouple times in New World Notes.

Abdul Lenroy

my blog =D
I post once everyday(or try to that is)
hehe i cover mostly the metaverse but generally Second Life & Habbo

Ignatius Onomatopoeia

Lalo Telling's Telling it Like it is: http://lalotelling.blogspot.com/


Diogenes Aurelia Kuhr's The Ephemeral Frontier:

Are always high on my list of must-reads from non-edu land.

Ghosty Kips

More shameless blog promotion.


Nalates Urriah

I'm moving my blog from WordPress.com to a new host.

blog.Nalates.net - Mostly about SL with a little Myst-Uru slant left.

Paisley Beebe

We have a new blog which is all about ...second life, real life musings, deep thoughts, funny stories and purile humour, usually but not allways..at our own expense. It's also a focus point for our new buisness producing mixed reality events. From me sometimes, from Bliss Windlow, prolific writer and there will be more contributors to come down the line. http:www.womenwhodancewithfrogs.com subjects covered are, second life/real life relationships, families, unfortunate accidents, stalking, frog dancing and more. Take a look RSS us or like us for facebook updated :) shamefully yours Paisley Beebe


I'll partly indulge the shameless self-promotion with my blog on collaboration uses of Virtual Worlds http://blog.knowsense.co.uk and also add the very useful and usually professional magazine of http://www.hypergridbusiness.com

Mera Kranfel

I live in science land is my first choise, without question:


All this interesting information I cant live without

#2 The microcosmos of Ms. Skylar Smythe


Packed with emotions and fabulously written

Arwyn Quandry

I have no shame: http://arwynquandry.wordpress.com

I post mostly teen-related news and fashion.

Night Nicholls

Gillians Island---an informative fashion blog that will save lots of money for its readers. Gillian blogs everyday and includes fashion trends with Landmarks.

Night Nicholls

Yeppers! I will be self indulgent here. This is my Blog. What I write here is 90% culled from Second Life Profiles. Everything from funny to serious with names left off to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

The other 10% is a mixture of things that interest me and some chapters from a book I am working on.


Here's my blog: http://becunningandfulloftricks.com

Lara Panthar

I find your blog very interesting and entertaining. I started my own last September, primarily of my sl photographs along with shout outs to some of my favorite creators. The beauty of our virtual world should be shared!

Rafael Fabre

Hello! I'd like to recommend a few SL blogs which have been running for quite a while, and have more of a Steampunk leaning...

a) Virtually Classic Fashions, by Miss Breezy Carver. This blog focuses on Steampunk and Dieselpunk era fashions and new designers in Second Life, and is updated daily with outstanding photography. It can be found at: http://seabreezegal.blogspot.com/

b) A Caledonian Journey, by Miss Rhianon Jamesons' dedicated blog to the Independent State of Caledon, and other Steampunk environs beyond. Updated daily, she does a tremendous job in providing news and profiles of one of Second Life's most successful entities. (at: http://rhianonjameson.blogspot.com/

c) Men's Second Style - For those fellows who may not be fashion-forward, so to speak, this website provides simple advice and good buy for men's attire in SL. It can be found at: http://www.second-man.com/

d) Finally, I'll add my own blog to the list. The Steampunk Tribune is one of Second Life's (and RL's) most frequented sites on Steampunk, of which I've been reporting on since 2007. I cover both RL and SL, emphasizing that there is indeed a vibrant Steampunk presence in the virtual worlds. It is located at: http://www.steampunktribune.com/

Looking for to the results!



Serving up commentary on the psychological aspects of life in a virtual world, for the best part of four years now.

Nexus Burbclave

I'd second both I live in Science Land and Pathfinder's blog. I'd also recommend http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/.

As for my own blog...Sadly I can hardly call it active at the moment, but I may fix that soon by featuring some of the new that I find from my New Year's Resolution.

Kara Trapdoor

http://karasecondlife.blogspot.com/ Kara's Korner, Second Life Adventures. You've seen it. A bit of this, that, and the other thing.

Kara Trapdoor

I also really like:




Melissa Yeuxdoux

I'd have to say Maggie Bluxome's blog, http://www.maggiebluxome.com/. Great photography and lots of information on clothing for the prim breast user and whatever else strikes Maggie's fancy or inspires her to comment.

OK, Buxom Life, http://epicdesires.guildportal.com/, is more than a blog, but users can create their own blogs there. I think that counts.

Pooky Amsterdam

Very wonderful of you to open this up - I certainly follow your blog like footprints in the sands of time-
Here are mine they are entertainment related - Our latest films are here and the shows as well. My blog posts are a bit further and farther between, the shows are weekly and embeddable to all.
http://www.the1stquestion.com/ http://www.thedatingcasino.com/
(will be having a Valentines day special show!)


Tipsy Cerulean

I'll join the self promotion wagon & post my own. :D

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