New World Tech
New World Etiquette
Second Life
- In Survey of New World Notes Readers, 77% Believe Second Life Will Stagnate in 2011 (I'm a Bit More Optimistic)
- Art Imitates Second Life: In Summer Wars Anime, a Furry Defends Virtual World From an A.I. Named... Love Machine!
- Second Life Avatar Profiles Now Published on Their Own Web Page, Shareable on Facebook & Twitter!
- SL Group Limits Raised to 42 (Only If You Install Viewer 2)
- The Case for Keeping Facelights in Second Life (Despite What the "Facelight Gestapo" Says)
- Reader Survey: Who Are Your Favorite Pop, Rock, Electronic, and Hiphop Performers in Second Life?
Noteworthy Machinima
New World Gaming
Blue Mars