ColeMarie Soleil explores Second Life's arts scene for New World Notes
Looking for something unique, and new? Look no further than one of the most kick ass builds to hit Second Life. Welcome to "Parallel Worlds", by claudia222 Jewell: Direct SLurl teleport at this link.*
When it comes to dark surreal fantasy, no one does it better than the Swiss. I recently stumbled upon the ever-evolving project by Miss Jewell just hovering away hidden, humbly tucked away in the sky. Right away I noticed hints of H.R. Giger creeping into the organic shapes and textures that Jewell favors using. Upon comparison to Giger, Claudia asked me if I was aware that she also was Swiss. This did not come as a surprise. Although the build had clear similarities in structure, the style is very much Claudia's own.
After spending an hour or two inspecting all the fine details of the build, I began to wonder if it was part of a deeper story. From the eerie lullaby that echoes above, to the melancholic gazes of the serpent women... it seemed as if all the characters had lives of their own. So I asked her. Just what inspired Parallel Worlds?
Claudia explains: "I dont like to do what others do, and I just create without thinking. I believe it is automatic when you do that. More organic. I like organics for textures. I am always amazed what nature brings out."
Whatever the reason may be for each fragment of the work, the build still melts together into one beautiful and seamless combination. Personally, I find it to be one of the most inspiring and artistic builds I have seen in Second Life in a very, very long time. Though she would not agree with the term "artistic". She prefers the term "creative", explaining, "I am an obsessive learner. I draw and have created visual stuff all of my life. Mostly, I don't even draw. I look, I dream, and I imagine something. I just have a strong urge to make stuff look real and found my new love in 3D. I have a line I need to follow."
She smiles. "Don't ask me why but I can't stop myself from being passionate about trying to learn it like a language to express."
I for one am glad she became so inspired. Clearly determined to push herself to make things and improve her talents. It is because people have trust in creative and passionate people just like her, allowing them to spread their wings and steal a few prims, that such things exist. "I had nothing when I started and still don't know what it's gonna be in the end," Claudia says to me as I head sleepily to bed to dream of strange flower women blossoming in organic skies. Sim donor, anyone?
Parallel Worlds, designed by Claudia222 Jewell: SLurl at this link. IMPORTANT VISITOR NOTE: when you arrive there will be an organic-looking, brownish teleporter on the ground very close nearby. Click it and select "Parallel Worlds", and then sit on the teleport beam to be teleported to the build in the sky.
Photo of Parallel Worlds by Groll Greggan.
ColeMarie Soleil covers the Second Life arts scene for New World Notes when inspiration strikes.
Soleil, her first album, is now available on iTunes here and also available on Soleil's Band Camp page, created in collaboration with fellow Second Life musician Tasuku Ghost. Before joining SL, she was a studio musician, a wandering gypsy, a graphic designer, and a solo artist who's performed at Whiskey a Go Go in Los Angeles and the Apollo in Manhattan. See more of her machinima here.
Sounds most promising. Trying the SLurl above, though, my MacBook, its cache (or SL) did not open the SL viewer, but took me via the destination guide directly to Web Viewer Beta access on Safari. Now I'm a student with a backpack watching residents dance in London in my browser. Which is interesting too ;)
Posted by: Hanno Tietgens | Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 12:44 PM
I was just there this evening with a friend of mine. What an amazing build... very freaky! It's like being in some gigantic, fractal orchid from beyond time and space. This is the sort of thing you just cannot see anywhere else. As my friend observed, it's the type of thing you cannot do in anything but a 3D world.
I would love to see more of these sorts of postings. One of the things I am passionate about in Second Life is to see all the amazing things people do in it. Second Life users are a terribly creative lot, even if it's just assembling a look for their avatars. I love to see what people come up with. This article is an example of why I read NWNs. I want to hear about these gems I might not hear about otherwise!
Posted by: Lorran Fierrens | Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 11:26 PM
Indeed, and astonishing place, the ones that made Sl so exciting still!
And I made Lorran Fierrens Statment my own:
This article is an example of why I read NWNs. I want to hear about these gems I might not hear about otherwise!
Posted by: Foneco Zuzu | Monday, February 21, 2011 at 02:43 AM
heres my video i did of Parallel worlds
Posted by: jjccc coronet | Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 09:40 AM
Aw very cool! I'll have to go see that!
Posted by: Laura18 Streeter | Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 05:00 AM