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Wednesday, February 02, 2011


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The Egypt sim owner is allowing pro-dictatorship signs to be rezzed at the welcome area of his sim. For instance: Portraits of Mubarak acompanied with lines like "PROUD TOE BE EGYPTIAN" - "PROUD OF MY PRESIDENT"

Also a few days ago, just after your first reports of the protests at this sim and when no pro-Mubarak signs were rezzed yet, an avatar called 'Jewboy' was there with pro-Mubarak signs attached to his avatar provoking the majority of pro-democracy protesters.

All this SL 'drama' is pretty insignificant for the developments in the orginal physical Egypt of course. But it might be some kind of glimpse of future communications & online clashes on a much more significant scale...

But then come to think of it, I haven't seen any pro-Mubarak outings like this on the net elsewhere so far. The general meme seems 'Pro- Mubarak protesters are mercenaries'... In this context I find the developments in SL interesing. Maybe this SL 'drama' could be historically relevant somehow?

Laetizia Coronet

Here we see what on Al-Jazeera was explained as an element of Egyptian culture: no matter if you agree with the President or not, he is still the President, symbol of your country, and to see him weakened goes against your nationalist pride.

Robert Hooker

Given the crimes against humanity we saw in Cairo yesterday carried out by the regime, and the facts of years of torture and murder that were the standards of this regime, Linden Labs should remove the theses SIM owners like they would remove any other criminals from Second Life.

Arcadia Codesmith

LL will be happy to sell a sim to the protestors... because in 'Merka, money equals freedom.

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