I'm always watching for when a particular Second Life phenomenon becomes popular enough to inspire its own enthusiast blogs, and it's no surprise that breedable virtual pets, an extremely popular offering in SL which is now actively promoted by Linden Lab, has its own fan blogs.
Take this one: My Second Life (with Pets), by Aywren Sojourner, who owns (and blogs about) KittyCats, Papillon Butterflies, Precious Dragons, Rovees, and once owned Amaretto Horses, Ozimal Bunnies, and Wildwood Kitties. And, of course, Ms. Sojourner is totally on top of the craze for Meeros, a race magical, face punchingly cute creatures that recently came out of Beta and have since been generating quite a bit of buzz. Here's her latest post of Meeros, which are now reportedly starting to give birth.