Here's 8 posts I've written over the last 8 years, which in my opinion capture the essence of what I want New World Notes to be at its best: Stories and insights that illustrate how the virtual has transformed our culture and what it means to be human -- and how our culture changes the virtual:
- 2003: "War of the Jessie Wall": Political and cultural clashes break out in the metaverse in the shadow of the Iraq war.
- 2004: "A Lever to Move the Mind": Still among the best examples of Second Life's potential (as yet unrealized) as a transformative resource for real world use.
- 2005: "Watching the Detectives": Trust, infidelity, and desire online.
- 2006: "The Skin You're In": Avatars contend with identity and racism.
- 2006: "Guarding Darfur": Real world activism meets online griefing -- and avatar superheroes.
- 2007: "Fighting the Front": Real world politics come to the virtual world -- explosively!
- 2008: "The Husband that Eshi Made": Real love and loss as expressed through avatars.
- 2010: "What Went Wrong With Linden Lab? The Dwight Schrute Echo Chamber": The limitations of virtuality reach a tragic apex.
Do you know how Eshi (and Glenn) is now Hamlet? That was a very moving piece.
Posted by: Hitomi Tiponi | Monday, April 25, 2011 at 03:49 PM
Thank you! Eshi is still around, hopefully she'll come by and offer an update. :)
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Monday, April 25, 2011 at 08:41 PM