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Tuesday, April 05, 2011


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Argus Collingwood

Survey says;-)

Eowyn Atlass

I may not be your typical reader but I hope you'll bring back the Second Life events calendar. I enjoy learning about events as they are about to happen, but I also like to plan which Second Life events I want to attend in advance so I can work my real life around them. So I for one am hoping you'll revive the calendar. :)

Arif Emor.

The last-minute inworld notices hardly ever worked for me, as I would already be busy with something else when they'd come in. It would be great to know about events in advance, so I can actually plan ahead and catch them. And it would be great if you tweet each new calendar update as you post it here.

Carrie Lexington

i followed the events listings weekly. my time in SL is sometimes limited, so i find that having advanced notice of events gave me time to plan and make the time for it. I rarely go inworld and spontaneously go to an event. i need to plan ahead.

Ciaran Laval

Are you talking about Chestnut's choices? I liked those.

Nalates Urriah

Gwyneth Llewelyn just wrote about Facebook integration. If LL will get XMPP Chat working, I expect to see Facebook events take over event scheduling, announcing, and reminding in SL.


Actually, I'm searching for a global SL event calendar at this very moment and cannot find one. I have become an event-oriented avatar lately, I login to SL mostly because I want to attend an interesting event, but I haven't found an SL calendar that is complete (no, inworld event list is not complete), on the contrary, events information are so scattered, I must search the official Event calendar, then the Ballet Pixelle's, then the Avatar Repertory Theatre's, the Globe's, the U2inSL page, the Ning of Royal Courts in SL, the steampunks' event pages, and so on, and so on. I'm wondering how to simplify this work, how to gather all this to one main channel. I could be a new Chestnut Rau. :)))

I'm also disappointed that the official Linden Featured Events in the Destination Guide consists of mostly Hunts. Hunts are not "events" for me. :( The premier of a new play; an RP job fair at the CoLA region; a Roman carnivale connected to the RL Roman carnival; the opening gala and ball of the reborn SL Chateau de Versailles - these kind of events would be great to find quickly and at one place.

Carrie Lexington

totally agree with you Flo2, about the hunts in the featured events listings. it's always disappointing to open that tab and it's mostly hunts.

Chestnut Rau

There is only one me Flo2. :)

I think there is a need for a tech solution. Pulling events from hundreds of sources manually is tedious. Someone should develop "an app for that."


Yes, the point is that it's possible to create a "fashionfeed of sl.com" because there are fashion blogs. But one cannot create an "eventfeed of sl.com" because there is no such things like "event blogs".
Or are there some?

Chestnut Rau

There are bloggers who write about events and things to do - me for instance. I am not aware of too many blogs that focus strictly on events, however. Why that is I really don't know.

Any technology based solution that consolidates virtual world events would need up front standards for the types of events that would be included. I also think there would need to be moderation or it would become similar to the fashion feeds -- a lot of garbage mixed in with the gems.

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