So, what about Second Life and the metaverse in general has been on your mind, lately? And related topics too: 3D graphics, immersive technology, gaming, virtual goods and worlds, augmented reality, and the like. Share!
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not much ... why do i crash so often whenever i cam around ... why do marketplace deliveries fail in 1 out of 3 times ... why did my friend, who owned 3 sims, got banned by LL and now left SL because she is upset ...
on a larger scale ... why do i keep loging on although there is nothing new and exciting to do, to buy, or to see ...
Posted by: Stef Lohnna | Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 11:28 PM
As expected, my 16 students in a first-year seminar, with the exception of two gamers, think that Edwards Castronova's ideas in Exodus to the Virtual World are ridiculous, even dangerous.
It would cut their Facebook time, I reckon :)
Posted by: Ignatius Onomatopoeia | Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 06:27 AM
I've been enjoying Selvy Oh's installation - especially the bits which change as you move around or interact with it. There's a room you can enter which makes the structure disappear, for example. I got myself inside of a room which makes balls and played with them for a while, too.
I've also been participating in the 52 Color Challenge, which has been a lot of fun. There's an in-world group, and a flickr, and people post their blogs on Luna Jubilee's post for that color.
There are always things to explore, an inventory to sort, or just friends to talk to as well. Right now I'm watching a "fashion" contest, for example.
Posted by: Deoridhe | Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 04:14 PM