Plurk people, please Plurk this: Plurk, the microblogging site that's very popular with Second Life users (at least with the several thousand Residents who use it) cannot be listed in Second Life web profiles. That's because, as Daniel Voyager blogs, Plurk doesn't have a “Connect your profile to other social networks” option. "Once Plurk has a way for us to implement this..." says Yoz Linden, "we’ll reconsider it."
But wait, Daniel adds: "Apparently today there was another comment made by Nimil Blackflag saying that “plurk has added oauth api." And so there seems to be. So if we're reading that right, it looks like the Lindens could Plurk-ify their profiles promptly.
in quasi related news it appears Zuckerberg went ballistic on SL avatar facebook accounts again today and deleted hundreds of them. Facebook doesn't like SL. LL needs to figure that out and stop supporting them.
Posted by: Ann Otoole InSL | Friday, May 20, 2011 at 03:05 PM
FB got me this morning, 1800 friends gone. I used that account for Treet TV business. If Facebook hates SL much then they shouldn't be a part of SL in ANY way. LL needs to remove FB, I don't want to see FB in SL at all. And Zuckerberg don't you ever let me catch you in SL because you WILL get your feelings hurt.
Posted by: Angie Mornington | Friday, May 20, 2011 at 03:29 PM
I'd be very quick to support Plurk if this was added, since, you know, unlike Facebook, they welcome SL avatars.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 03:33 AM