At left is a painting of a Second Life avatar named Melanie Kidd by Aemeth Lysette, who does these on commission. At right you can see the screenshots of Melanie that Ms. Lysette based her painting on. "I tried to get Melanie's eyes mainly from her Grid Expectations blog logo," Aemeth tells me, "also I used a picture of her posing with her Zooby baby, and one of her using a slightly different shape. I admire how her painting evokes Melanie's virtual essence, so to speak. See more of Aemeth's works here. Hat tip: Gorgeous Yongho, whose Aemeth portrait is here.
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These are really nice looking. I think there's something compelling that virtual worlds and MMOs create such a strong connection with one's avatar that people quite often commission works of art for their avatar. (My experience from EQ and WoW was that people did these, as well.)
Side-note. Why "real" in your headline. Why not "physical" - or if the portaits are digital, why not "professional quality" or "gorgeous" or something that denotes the positive trait of the portraits without implying that avatars are fiction? After all this time in virtual worlds, do you want to imply that avatars are not "real"?
Posted by: Ron T Blechner | Thursday, June 09, 2011 at 08:00 AM
Thanks Hamlet! Hey if anyone still wants to be painted but cannot afford the price, I'm currently looking for SL avs to pose as models for rl paintings. Money is short so I gotta do what I can to make some cash!
Check here for details. Thank you :D
Posted by: Aemeth | Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 06:45 AM