If the embed code works, you should be able to chat with Cleverbot, an award-winning AI, right here on New World Notes; give it a try:
Cleverbot is by a company called Existor, which last year won the BCS Machine Intelligence Competition, "after taking part in a quick-fire Turing Test", so says the site. (Compare and contrast with "Suzette", the chatbot for Blue Mars which won last year's Loebner Prize.) Since I can easily embed the Cleverbot code here on New World Notes, I imagine it should be pretty easy to integrate with a bot in Second Life or OpenSim. Frankly, Chatbot could use another avatar: Evie, Existor's web-based avatar running Chatbot, is pretty fricking creepy. Hat tip: Reddit.
Watch two Cleverbots talking to each other here :
Posted by: Nahasa Singh | Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 05:20 PM