There's discounts for advertising on New World Notes now being offered by John Battelle and his lovely folks at Federated Media, who handle most of NWN's advertising. We get 100-150K pageviews a month, and have some excellent demographics, because you readers rock so much: 68% of NWN readers publish their own blog, 41% have a household income above 75k US and 36% of readers are women. (While my ideal is an equal gender split, tech/gaming blogs tend to skew much more male.) Click here for all the details on advertising through Federated Media.
In addition to FM, New World Notes occasionally does limited, fully disclosed Partnerships with companies deeply involved in Second Life/virtual world/gaming, such as Koinup and Metabirds. If you're interested in that, let's talk: IM me in-world as "Hamlet Au" or e-mail me: wjamesau at well dot com.
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