This sci-fi machinima by Arbit Delacroix makes my mouth drop and the hair on the back of my head stand up (what with all its creeptastically giant spider robots):
"This was really a just an exercise to try to make me focus on sound design," Arbit tells me. He's not totally sure what WindLight setting he used, but likely Verdigris, at least for some shots. It was shot at the SL sims Hangars Liquides, Splintered Rock, and Cloudcroft, and the spider robot is the "Cyber Widow", by Gemini Cybernetics.
Arbit shot the Giana Factory music machinima video I dug so much earlier this year, but "The Watchers" reminds me of "Cargo", an ambitious sci-fi machinima project he started with this beautiful trailer. However, Arbit tells me, "It's not directly related to 'Cargo' or anything like that, but a sci-fi setting lends itself to good sound effect opportunities so I went in that direction. I'm holding off on Cargo for the moment though until I figure out whether or not to reshoot some things that might benefit from mesh." Maybe if this "Watcher" video gets massive views (hint hint), he'll finish "Cargo".
Nice headline is nice.
Posted by: Kim | Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 07:05 PM
@ Kim
hurr durr
Posted by: trololo | Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 11:14 PM
Appreciative machinima nerd is appreciative.
Thanks a ton for the mention(s) Hamlet!
Posted by: Arbit Delacroix | Friday, September 30, 2011 at 03:01 PM