Glitch, the innovative MMO from Stewart Butterfield and crew, launched late last month, and you'll never guess who's playing it. (Well actually, maybe you can.) One of the very largest Glitch groups (a bit like a guild, but you know, groupier) is SL Glitcher, i.e., as the charter explains, "For SLers who Glitch." Now with 348 members, it's among the top 20 groups in Glitch, and it's not even the only SL-themed one: There's also a Glitch group simply called Second Life now with 141. I'm actually not surprised, because SLers tend to be early adopters who not only try new social media platforms and web games/toys, but tend to do so en masse. (That's how SLers became one of the most active groups on the Plurk social network.)
The SL Glitch group was founded by SL fashion designer Dove Swanson, who's been playing Glitch since its beta period. "[S]o I kinda knew my way around," she tells me, "and when I realized that Glitch was catching on with the SL crowd like wildfire and also noticed so many people were a little lost... I decided to make the group so that everyone had a central group they could find answers and help one another out."
If you want to join SL Glitch, just contact her or another member of the Glitch group. (Many of whom seem to be using their SL avatar name in Glitch.)
Her general advice for new Glitch gamers? "Give it more than five minutes," she tells me, laughing. "It's different than probably anything else you've tried, but if you give it time it'll capture your attention with all of its cuteness and quirkiness. That and use religiously!"
Hat tip: Sean Gorham.
Neat! I just started Glitch and already am hooked. So cute.
Posted by: rikomatic | Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 02:07 PM
Oh make me stop laughing.
Dang that trailer hooked me. I'm off to play.
Posted by: Ignatius Onomatopoeia | Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 04:16 PM
Reeeally? Cool! I'm a since-beta Glitch also, but hadn't really looked through the Groups list. I'll have to join some SLish ones (I'm "Orbst" in Glitch, fwiw...)
Posted by: Dale Innis | Monday, October 24, 2011 at 08:37 AM
Note that, extremely confusingly, as well as the "SL Glitcher" group, there is also an "SL Glitchers" group; the latter is open-access and has 98 member, the former is invite-only and has 353. Weird! :)
Posted by: Dale Innis | Monday, October 24, 2011 at 08:56 AM
I have to admit I got all happy when I saw my little Glitchy up there. xD
I've been playing since beta times too and I'm still hooked!
Posted by: Sileny Noel | Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 05:13 PM