There's been a user campaign on Linden Lab's JIRA bug tracking software to bring last name options back to SL, and after running since July and garnering 1855 votes (making it one of the top requests), Linden Lab has finally responded to the request. Ambivalently: "It's clear there is a lot of interest in SVC-7125," writes ProductTeam Linden. "The intent [with the new system] was for users to specify their last name using the Display Names feature found in users' profiles, which most Viewers now support." However, they added, "Know that we hear you and value your passion and that we are currently reviewing some of the decisions that were made with the username /Display Names implementation."
So that's a definite maybe. My prediction: Linden Lab will keep the existing username system but add the last name option as a, well, optional feature. (Which only the existing hardcore userbase will use.)
Hat tip: Rocky Constantine.
I hope that they consider the residents who have one name but would like two in whatever they do decide to do.
Posted by: Hitomi Tiponi | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 02:42 PM
A hard unchangeable user name becomes a 'brand' to some degree. The changeable display name lacks the staying power. It isn't unreasonble for people to want their 'hard' name to be similar to a real name in that it has two names.
The number of people who have already established 'brands' for their products, art or just reputation is huge.
Forcing new people to choose a strung together one liner name as their only option, limits new people when forming their 'brand identity'. It is much more of a 'realistic' roleplay to allow First and Last names.
Is this difficult to do? Does this make programming things harder?
I'm confused as to LL's reasoning.
Posted by: Scarp Godenot | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 02:46 PM
It took some time for this to appear on LL's radar, but I am sure that some of the residents will be pleased with any response. All we can do is hope for a positive resolution. I have several friends who have the "Resident" last name and are disappointed they never had a choice.
Posted by: Rockridge Constantine | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 02:49 PM
+1 Scarp
Well put.
The staying power and use for branding of hard names is a very powerful element of one of the underlying pillars in virtual worlds, Identity.
Posted by: Nexii Malthus | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 03:29 PM
I think you're perfectly right in the aspect that only oldbies creating alts will use this feature...
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 03:38 PM
I serious doubt that "Only the existing Hardcore User Base" would use last names if given them.
I can't believe more than a handful of Johnny123's and SallyXYZ's actually like their names...
And on meeting them, the desire to get off that name is a common concern.
Display Names is the feature I expect only the Hardcore users will use - those people who are willing to customize their experience and to figure out -how- to so customize it.
Posted by: catnapkitty | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 04:44 PM
I have no doubt long time residents will be users of the second name feature. But, I also think new players that are staying around SL will use it too.
Eventually 'Anybody Resident' names will indicate a transient player.
A hobo?
Posted by: Nalates Urriah | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 04:57 PM
My prediction: they'll probably go and ask how hard it is to build a 2-field filter that would allow people to make their own unique first- and last- name combinations, decide it is too hard, and not change anything.
Posted by: Ananda Sandgrain | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 05:37 PM
Like just about every other SL blogger I made some suggestions about this some weeks ago,
It is important to recognize that last names coincide with rez dates. Every ".Resident" should have a one time opportunity to adapt a last name assigned to the time frame when they created their account.
As for coming up with an endless supply of last names --- enlist our help --- what fun that could be!
Posted by: Shug Maitland | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 08:14 PM
If only there were enough common sense to allow spaces in names and call it done.
Posted by: Dartagan Shepherd | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 09:19 PM
I've seen a lot of interest among newer residents in acquiring a last name. They get the status element in having a time-limited designation, even if the timeframe isn't explicit. It's one of the few things in this crazy virtual world that actually is limited-edition.
But of course I'd say that... I'm a Codesmith :P
Posted by: Arcadia Codesmith | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 06:27 AM
@Hamlet and Adeon
If you read the comments on the JIRA - and I'll forgive you if you don't; there are a tremendous number of them - you would see that there are many people who currently bear the surname Resident and who are unhappy with it.
So I have to disagree that only the hard core user base are going to welcome this.
And some excellent points being made in this discussion.
Posted by: Saffia Widdershins | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 07:31 AM
I have never understood why when adding 'Display Names' the Lindens also scrapped the old User Name system. Judging by the widespread dislike of 'Resident' they did no market research on this.
Some will point out that Linden Lab give every indication of rarely if ever doing inworld market research before making changes!
Posted by: Oriella Charik | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 07:44 AM
It's about time! Just how hard IS it to allow people to put a name in TWO fields, and check that the combination is not already taken?
Display names were nice, though I have no use for them. But simultaneously making everyone get truenames Galactus2155 Resident that goes on everything they build or script, turned SL from a 3D virtual world into a Yahoo chatroom.
Give us our own first, last, and display names. It's so simple, even a CavemanUGHUGH Resident could do it!
Posted by: shockwave yareach | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 10:44 AM
hamlet said: (Which only the existing hardcore userbase will use.)
I find that sentence kind of trollish..
Posted by: Cio Koba | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 11:20 AM
@ Oriella,
I have been trying to find out this myself.
The issue seems to stem from lack of basic internet communication skills as well as inability to put ego aside to objectively understand critique.
A bit like how IT departments in companies often fail to see the human element in a business. (Great example being password security for example, IT insists on obnoxious rules but that results in post-it notes plastered on computer equipment.)
Posted by: Nexii Malthus | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 11:26 AM
The reasoning for getting rid of them in the first place was because a quite considerable amount of signups were being lost at the point of a new user choosing a last name.
I forget the actual percentage, but it was enough to make that call.
Also don't remember which Linden I heard those stats from, thinking either M or Amanda Linden who are no longer with the company. Thinking that the people who did this original research are no longer with LL.
Hopefully they'll be looking at that previous data closely before bouncing back to re-fix what they saw needed fixing in the first place.
Not that they can't fix it now by providing both, slightly lengthen usernames, allow spaces and provide an "optional" way to choose a Linden generated last name. Best of both.
Posted by: Dartagan Shepherd | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 03:48 PM
I'd like to see a return of the second name. There's something cool about happening onto a "cousin" - someone with the same last name.
Posted by: Dirk Grantly | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 09:18 PM
I just thought about the topic of surnames in reference to game worlds. Some worlds (Lord of the Rings Online, for example), don't allow you to take a surname until level 5 or 10 and charge a nominal fee to consult a registrar.
Name roulette CAN be a frustrating process, especially if you're trying to be clever and discover that there are a great many residents who are just as clever as you and somewhat faster.
Perhaps we could retain "Resident" as a temporary designator for freshly-minted avatars, and then provide surnames as an option after they've logged a certain number of hours in-world.
Posted by: Arcadia Codesmith | Thursday, November 03, 2011 at 06:06 AM
A very simple solution is to have open text boxes for both first and last names, and also a pulldown which you can select from a list of predefined last names that fill in the text box for you. The customer then has the choice of any last name or a game-centered last name.
I suspect the reason this hasn't been done is that the lab frets about people creating the name "Linden" to impersonate game gods. All that has to be done is a check at submission that the last name does not match any of the set of names that could be considered a lookalike for "Linden". How any company can create such a vast virtual world and yet not be able to handle something so minor puzzles me.
Posted by: shockwave yareach | Thursday, November 03, 2011 at 07:23 AM
How amusing... And I could *again* say to LL "I told you !"
See my old message in the opensource-dev list:
Posted by: Henri Beauchamp | Saturday, November 05, 2011 at 02:28 PM
"My prediction: they'll probably go and ask how hard it is to build a 2-field filter that would allow people to make their own unique first- and last- name combinations, decide it is too hard, and not change anything."
Yeah its not like this is possible in Open Sims and inWorldz... oh wait... it is. :)
But I still agree LLs will find it too hard to do even though their clones do it.
"Judging by the widespread dislike of 'Resident' they did no market research on this."
- They did plenty. But at LL's Market research means telling the market what it will like, or else. ;)
But the be fair... the users on the forums were -demanding- they do exactly what they did, until they actually got it, and saw what they'd asked for. Go back and read old forum posts and anybody warning that 'this might not be the best idea folks' got loudly shouted down. Often by people now critical of the system we got, which really just shows people do change their minds.
Posted by: catnapkitty | Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 11:58 AM