New World Notes began as a blog about Second Life, and as long as SL remains interesting to me and most of my readers remain interested in read about it, that will largely continue to be the case. In addition to Second Life (and its open source spinoff, OpenSimulator), here's the subjects I also cover:
- Augmented Reality (as here)
- Virtual Goods and Currency (as here, with Bitcoin)
- Online identity and community, especially it relates to avatars (as here, with Google Plus)
- User-generated content systems, especially related to games/interactive media (as here)
- Innovative next generation interaction systems with a gaming/avatar emphasis, such as Kinect and iOS
- Virtual Worlds & MMOs, especially those with a strong user-generated content component (as here with Glitch)
- Innovative next generation games, especially those with a strong user-generated content component, like Minecraft, or a strong artistic ambition, such as Portal 2 or Deus Ex:Human Revolution.
And while these subjects may seem quite different from Second Life, I actually see them as thematically related: In many ways, New World Notes is mostly about the concepts and innovations that were first popularized or introduced in Second Life (at least in part), and are now turning up in different variations across the wider Internet. As the story of Second Life continues growing beyond Second Life, New World Notes will want to follow it there. I just hope you, dear reader, want to come along for that ride. If you do, please send me suggestions of particular stories that fit any of these subjects above, or post them in Comments below.
Here ends my portentous new world note about New World Notes.
We've done much the same at the "Newser," as residents we talk too also express interest in those subjects.
Posted by: Bixyl Shuftan | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 01:59 PM
Portentous? What does it portend?
I like the coverage mix, which is one of the reasons I continue to hang out and make a pest of myself here.
Posted by: Arcadia Codesmith | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 02:08 PM
You're a welcome pest! I just wish you'd write a guest post. (Post by a pest?)
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 02:16 PM
There is much in the interesting list that does flow from Second Life. Indeed a lot that comes from things before SL too.
These links to the past are often forgotten or conveniently brushed under the carpet by the tech startup world when projects dont quite turn out the way they hyped them up..
I try to be very open about the history of ideas that make up projects. In fact I'd love to see some kind of crazy tree diagram that shows how various projects have influenced others..
Posted by: Dizzy Banjo | Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 05:45 AM